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Exotic pets: We don’t get it, either  
October 30, 2011 

The issue: Ownership of exotic animals in Ohio
Our view: Lax stance on regulation puts animals, neighbors, law enforcement at risk 

Is it possible that Gov. John Kasich and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals agree on something? 

Kasich, asked this week if he wants to ban all Ohioans from owning wild animals, said, “I have a really hard time understanding why somebody ought to have a grizzly bear on their private compound, or lions or Bengal tigers. I just don’t get it.” 

PETA, meanwhile, is lobbying for a total ban on private ownership of exotic animals in Ohio. 

The issue has arisen, of course, in the wake of the disaster earlier this month in Muskingum County, where the owner of more than 50 wild animals set them free before killing himself. 

PETA is far from alone in criticizing Ohio’s lax stance on wild-animal ownership. The Humane Society of the United States says Ohio is one of only eight states without regulations on private ownership of exotic animals. In the last eight years, HSUS says, it has documented 22 serious incidents involving wild animals kept as pets in Ohio. 

Meanwhile, ordinary Ohioans, too, are struggling to “get it” — to understand why their neighbors should be permitted to keep dangerous animals just because they want to. 

Not only does this put the animals at risk of mistreatment and pose a danger to neighbors, it also puts law enforcement officers in jeopardy. Muskingum County sheriff’s deputies had to put their own lives on the line, in circumstances they were ill prepared for, when they tracked down and killed 49 of the animals freed by Terry Thompson. We’re at a loss to understand the criticism from some quarters of the deputies, who had to act quickly to ensure the safety of people in a wide area beyond Thompson’s property. 

Kasich has given a committee until Nov. 30 to analyze the regulatory situation and make recommendations. Common sense says the committee will come to the same conclusion as Jack Hanna, director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium: “No more lions and tigers and bears as pets.” 

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