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GOP’s recipe for success is found on state level
By Mark R. Kennedy

With both cocktails and political messaging, it all comes down to the mix. Most people don’t want to guzzle down a glass full of gin, but with the right proportions of tonic and lime, a large majority of people will enjoy a gin-based cocktail. The Republican brand, as it is currently being served to the American people, is too much 100-proof Washington whiskey and not enough club soda, which is overpowering the successes the GOP is having at the state level. Rebalancing the recipe will be essential for national electoral success in 2014 and beyond.

In Washington, some Republicans have ginned up a whole lot of agitation. After the last debt ceiling faceoff and the 2012 elections, others recognized the need to broaden their message. Instead, a few loud voices hijacked the discussion and decided to attach an unattainable goal, the repeal of Obamacare, to a must-pass spending bill, generating a maelstrom that crowded out efforts to address entitlements, tax simplification, immigration or trade expansion.

The end result has been a seemingly endless torrent of D.C. news items that reinforce the “party of no” narrative that the GOP has been attempting to change since last year’s presidential defeat. It’s been overpowering the other elements of the Republican brand.

In the rest of the country, Republicans have a host of successes.

The GOP controls 30 governor’s mansions and 27 state legislatures. They have achieved goals that many conservatives in Washington say they want: trimming budgets, simplifying tax codes, reforming government employee pension programs, growing economies, adding jobs and reaching out to the full demographic spectrum.

Republican governors head seven of the 10 largest state economies in the United States. They also are in charge of eight of the 10 fastest-growing states.

GOP governors represent a vibrant and diverse cross section of the nation. My former House colleague, Republican Governors Association Chairman and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, is the nation’s first Indian-American governor. New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez is the first female Hispanic chief executive of a state. Overall, Republicans show more gubernatorial diversity than the Democrats do. The three youngest governors are Republican; two of the three oldest governors are Democrats. More clearly communicating the party’s big tent would take some of the edge off the charge that the GOP is the party of elderly, white voters.

Read the rest of the article at Politico

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