the bistro off broadway

Muslims Demand Holidays
by Candace Hardin
September 29, 2013

It appears that Muslims in Maryland are demanding that schools observe their holy days as well as Christian and Jewish ones.

I went to a formerly Catholic school that had been bought from the Church by a board of directors. We had a very diverse group of students with varied Christian beliefs as well as Jewish students in our ranks. The Jewish students and any other with certain restrictions or requirements were allowed their holidays. They were given a chance to make up their work or tests. They never complained. They never lobbied for more. We never noticed or focused on our differences. We were all friendly and accepting as differences were never given any more rights or privileges. Neither did we expect any.

I haven’t heard the Muslim students complaining about the Christian and Jewish holidays off. Perhaps, since their argument is based on having to choose between school and religion, they should remain in school during regularly scheduled holidays when everyone else goes home. Their parents can hire a school facility and teachers to have education during the Christmas, New Year, Easter, spring holidays etc.

In the USA, we are known for allowing all to live and worship as desired. But regardless of what our administration may claim, this country was founded and remains a Judeo-Christian country. If you “gotta be free, gotta be me” that is okay, just don’t force anyone else to do what you do.

The United States is one of the only places in the world where there is the freedom of speech, of religion and good living conditions for women. Women are not oppressed and used as chattel. We are not married off at a young age to shift the financial burden of a young girl to another family. We have reproductive and educational options.

For the rest of this article and more, go to Politichicks

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