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The Heritage Foundation
Mr. President, You Can End the Government Shutdown
by Matthew Streit
October 4, 2013 

President Obama has made it clear he “will not negotiate” when it comes to ending the government shutdown. 

At last check, the nation’s capital wasn’t run by one branch of government, or even one political party. But President Obama is so intent on protecting his unpopular, unworkable, and unfair health care law that he’d prefer to keep the government closed. 

Mr. President, here’s a five-point plan to end the government shutdown—using some of your favorite phrases. 

1. “Here’s the deal”: Have a serious conversation with congressional leadership to talk about the real issue driving the shutdown—the negative consequences of Obamacare. Quit giving us lengthy law school lectures about why you are right and then dismissing the class. 

2. “Let me be clear”: Mr. President, you’ve already delayed or repealed 14 provisions in Obamacare. Why are you unwilling to recognize how Obamacare has negatively impacted the American people? Certainly, it shouldn’t take wrecking the economy and putting bureaucrats between doctors and their patients. There is a better way. 

3. “It will not be easy”: The American people need a leader, not a lecturer. 

4. “Make no mistake”: Despite the fact that you claim Obamacare will lower premiums, expand coverage, and increase wellness, the evidence is overwhelmingly against you. Obamacare is raising premiums for most Americans, making it difficult for those out of work to find jobs, and cutting workers’ hours. The cost of Obamacare to the budget, the taxpayers, and to the future of health care in this country is too high. 

For the rest of this article and more, go to Heritage Foundation


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