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WND Exclusive
U.S. politicians urged: Just quit now!
Military men say time for new George Washingtons to take over
Drew Zahn

In 1775, an American people preparing to fight for their freedom turned to a retired military officer to lead them.

For more than 15 years, Col. George Washington had been retired to farm the Virginia countryside, until Boston patriots waged their famous tea party and the Battles of Lexington and Concord erupted. Washington, the former fighter of the French and Indian War, determined he could remain on the sidelines no longer.

When Col. Washington (ret.) showed up shortly thereafter at the Second Continental Congress in his dusted-off uniform, the spirit of the American Revolution had at last found a man it could follow.

Today, as the tea party rages again in cities across the U.S., a retired American military commander is drawing attention to a new crop of George Washingtons already leading the charge for freedom.

As WND reported, Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely declared it’s time for millions of Americans to “stand up” to a federal government that is “conducting treason … violating the Constitution, violating our laws.” He’s calling for marches, a legislative vote of “no confidence” in President Obama and congressional leaders, even citizen arrests – drawing inspiration from the 33 million Egyptians who stood up to their government and removed Muslim Brotherhood officials from office.

It’s been all over Facebook, a number of websites, radio shows calling me for interviews,” Vallely said. “And the response I’ve received has been 99-percent positive.

I think the biggest thing is that someone is finally standing up to lead,” he explained. “We need someone to lead; we need a new George Washington.”

Vallely pointed to the work of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi – which included Vallely, Navy SEAL Capt. Larry Bailey (ret.), Admiral James Lyons (ret.), former Congressman and retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and several other retired military officers – as evidence that the missing leadership may once again be rising from the same place it did in 1775: from the ranks of those who have served our nation in combat.

It’s fallen upon senior, retired military to take stands against the overreach and tyranny of a corrupt government,” Vallely said. “I think for people, they respect what the military has gone through. Senior military guys are very well educated, they’ve gone to the right schools, gone to combat for the most part, have had to manage enormous budgets, were involved in major financial decisions and are heavily steeped in foreign policy and national security.

No other group, no CEO that has that kind of background,” he said. “Obviously our politicians don’t have that background. They have legislation experience, not leadership experience.”

So what should be done with the current crop of political leaders?

Vallely said since impeachment isn’t likely and recall votes aren’t in the Constitution, the people need to rise up and accept nothing less than the resignation of D.C. leadership.

We like to do things by the Constitution, but our forefathers never anticipated we’d be in a place where we have so many corrupt leaders, impeachment wouldn’t happen,” he said. “We had a demand of resignation with Nixon, and he resigned, so the power of the people can be heard.”

And the next opportunity to sound the rally cry, Vallely said, is at the 2014 South Carolina Tea Party Coalition Convention, where Vallely will join Lt.Col. Bill Cowan, USMC (ret.) and former Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith among the speakers.

I’m going back to the big kickoff in Myrtle Beach in January,” Vallely told WND. “I’m a big believer in the tea party as a movement. Many of us retired military leaders are all together. We need to demand the resignation of Obama, [Vice President Joe] Biden, [Republican House Speaker John] Boehner, [Senate Republican Leader Mitch] McConnell, [House Minority Leader Nancy] Pelosi and [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid. The leadership of both parties needs to step down and new leaders step up.”

Who are the new leaders?

I think that George Washington is out there; we need to find him,” Vallely said. “[New Jersey Governor] Chris Christie, [Florida Senator] Marco Rubio – these guys are amateurs on the world scene. We have to go beyond politics and not put congressman into higher office, but true leaders...

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