the bistro off broadway

Bluebag Media
Woodland 2nd graders tour fall school ‘home

GREENVILLE – Work hard. Study hard. Be happy! Mr. Westfall’s message to his third grade math classes is simple… Go Math! “Bust that PARCC Test,” do well and earn a Westfall Buck.

His was one of the rooms Woodland second graders visited on May 14. He spent a few minutes talking to them and answering some questions. Sometimes the students paused at a room with the teacher greeting them with a smile and a wave; other times they entered the room for a brief talk, as they did in Mr. Westfall’s. In addition to math, science and language arts, they met the teachers for gym, art, music and the library.

Several busloads of students arrived at specific intervals, were treated to a tour of the third grade rooms and returned to their bus just as the next busload arrived. Greenville East Principal Kitty Zumbrink and staff member Shawna Wise conducted the tours, which wrapped up in the library for questions.

“Do you put up with ‘behavior’?” asked one of the students?

“No!” Miss Kitty said adamantly. “Your job is to read and write and learn math and science, and all the other life skills,” she said. “Our job is to teach them to you...

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