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Exploration of African Music Kicks Off Edison Lecture Series

Edison Community College will be hosting the first in a series of public lecture series Thursday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m. in room 456 at the Piqua campus. The lecture, “Africana and Beyond! Musical Exoticism in the U.S.” will be an examination of how exotic sights and sounds are used in U.S. popular culture to articulate and explore values that are taboo or mysterious.

Edison music instructor Jeffrey Jones will be analyzing the Chaino phenomenon, a cult following of a series of 1950s-era Africana albums that have been re-released on several occasions over the past few years. The lecture will examine the recordings, liner notes, album art and more from the time period.

“As a group, we will explore other exotic sights and sounds that have been used in U.S. popular culture, exploring what the use of these materials tells us about contemporary American life,” said Jones.

The lecture series will be offered in four installments, two in the fall and two in the spring, each lasting an hour or less. The sessions are open to all and everyone is encouraged to attend and participate. Topics will range from local to global matters focusing on everything from nutrition to exotic forms of music to the impact that pesticides have on our region’s ground water.

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