the bistro off broadway


We Believe. We Persist. We Prevent.
We Are The Majority Rally 2020

This year’s We Are The Majority Rally marks the progression of young leaders in prevention: We Believe. We Persist. We Prevent. This theme represents how a young person moves from believing in the value of a healthy lifestyle to persisting in the face of adversity to preventing substance misuse among their peers.

"I persist in living a drug-free life by spending time with peers and family members who are also committed to living and supporting others in healthy lives."
—Lipika Narisetti, Ohio Youth-Led Prevention Network Youth Council

Even when a young person believes in the value of prevention and healthy living, they are inevitably faced with challenges—daily stressors, trauma, peer pressure, and more—that can tempt them to use drugs or alcohol. Persistence, then, is the second phase of youth-led prevention. It involves finding healthy coping mechanisms and building refusal skills so that they can resist the temptation to use drugs or alcohol.

That’s why we’re celebrating the persistence of those young people who find the resolve to stay resilient at this year’s We Are The Majority Rally. This event is hosted every year by the Ohio Youth-Led Prevention Network at Prevention Action Alliance with funding from the Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services. We’ll challenge negative stereotypes of young people and raise awareness around the fact that the majority of youth choose not to use drugs and alcohol.

Registration is easy and free, but space is limited. Learn more about the WATM Rally and reserve your spot by registering at

How to Register for the WATM Rally

Registering for the We Are The Majority Rally is quick and easy! First, figure out how many young people and how many adults you’ll be bringing to the We Are The Majority Rally, what shirt sizes they’ll need, and how you’ll be traveling (bus, van, or car). Then, add those two numbers together and click on the green “Register” at Select the sum of your two numbers from your ticket option, and click the orange “Register” button.

Then, you’ll need to fill out the form on the next page, paying special attention to the shirt sizes you’ll need and how many of each size you’ll need (make sure these numbers conform to the numbers you gathered earlier—see the image below). Make sure you include the contact information of the person who will be responsible for your group on May 5.


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