July 12, 2013
Now is the Time to Pass a Building Levy for Greenville Schools
State Representative Jim Buchy 

I was a member of the Greenville Board of Education in the early 1980s, and we struggled to manage school operations and cut costs. But we did it. Today, we have a school board and a superintendent moving in lock step with community members in favor of completing a long-overdue school renovation and new construction project. I encourage a YES vote on the school levy, because we have sound money managers to carry out the project. 

Students in Greenville will continue to get a quality education even without the new building because we have great teachers and administrators in the schools.  The benefits of a new building include, more access to technology in the classroom and spaces that are better planned for modern student learning.  In addition, as a tax payer I recognize a sound fiscal decision to discontinue use of aging, costly facilities that are becoming more expensive to operate.  Over the course of my career a lot has changed in regards to the way we handle day to day business and I support having schools that can prepare young people to keep up with the changes. 

On the August ballot we will each cast a vote that we feel is the most appropriate.  I encourage you to consider three things as reasons to vote YES: 1.) We have a school administration and a school board working in tandem with the community providing needed support for this project. 2.) Interest rates are low, but as the economy improves they are likely to be higher if we wait any longer. 3.) Our number has been up with the School Facilities Commission for some time and we should take this opportunity to have them fund nearly half of the project. Thank you for your consideration of this important issue—Go Green Wave! 

Jim Buchy
State Representative
District 84

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