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Darke County Commissioners...
Dialog continues with Darke County Citizen Karyl Parks
Extracted comments from the Minutes of April 2 and April 3

While the Lucas issue seems to be going away with regard to public awareness and discussion, Darke County Citizen Karyl Parks is keeping it on the table. She attended both the Monday and Wednesday regular sessions to continue to try to get more information about the incidents that led up to the settlement with, and resignation of, Melody Lucas. She questioned the danger to some County programs.

Lucas has often been confrontational regarding the lack of information from the Commissioners.

Commissioner Mike Rhoades, on Monday, said that he is tired of being misquoted, adding that “I’m not going to say anything in public because I did to a fellow out back and it came right back out a_ _ backwards of what I said.”

Rhoades was absent on Wednesday, however Commissioner Mike Stegall picked up the dialog with Parks by noting that he thought she was “enjoying (her) 15 minutes of fame to much.”

Stegall also told Alex Mikos of Tiger Radio that he thought his communication skills were good and that despite the public perception that “we are hiding something,” he will continue to provide the best information he can.

Delaplane said again that the Lucas issue was over and done and it was time to move on.

Following are most of the comments between Parks and the Commissioners. Sections of the dialog have been deleted at a (failed) attempt at brevity. No dialog has been changed. Complete Commissioners Meeting minutes, including all public comments, are available by clicking on the Commissioners tab at the top of the page.

Monday, April 2, Public Comments

DC Citizen Karyl Parks: And I quote “It was my understanding that Mrs Lucas was passed over for a permanent full time position based on one or two reasons. Fit, and leadership. During Mrs Lucas service as LEPC she had proven over and over her leadership in starting citizens Emergency Response Team and other community action groups. She dedicated herself to providing training for these groups in disaster readiness. Her leadership responsibilities involved created state wide recognized training models and was commended for them. She prodded and encouraged training readiness in many safety avenues. She made qualifications for readiness easy.

As SEARCH and RESCUE, I am required by FEMA to have NIMS 100, 200, 700, 800, Background Checks, First Aid, SARTECH II (at my own personal time and cost), Evidence Preservation, Hazmat, K9 First Aid, GPS/Land Nav/Map/Compass, Risk assessment, Dog skills team credentialing, OSHA 1910.120 and/or 1910.134(f) Respiratory Protection, and more. Since these are FEMA requirements, and these are FEMA courses, our local EMA office has provided these necessary classes free of charge as needed for specialized VOLUNTEER trainees in an effort for cost reduction training in a service provided for free. Countless weekly man hours, and I logged 30 hours, actual training hours with these guys every week.  Nobody pays me for it, and nobody pays me for gas.  This is a service to the County.  Through the FEMA Office, your EMA Office, this impacts me greatly.  I’m just not somebody, not a hot head, I’m upset about this because the training I’m losing through the County has been provided and supplied by the EMA Office.  My question is, with Melody no longer in the EMA office, will these educational classes continue?  If we want something in training, we usually go to her and say “well this is still required by FEMA and we need this class; and she finds other people in the County who are also in need of the class for credentialing and she will put on the class and we’ve  got the class.

The reason I am asking, is many counties have dropped their civilian emergency response teams and training as LEPC Directors have been replaced and phased out.  When we go to state or interstate seminars for continuing education, we continue to see this team support drop as search teams scramble for new training source outlets.

Every Township Trustee, and even the County Commissioners are required BY LAW to have NIMS 100, 200, 700 and 800 as a minimum requirement for the job. These courses are on line, but they are difficult to wade through and also difficult to pass. Those who have taken the 800 NIMS class find it exceedingly hard to pass.

Melody took the county high fail rate and offered classes to help break it down and assist our leadership in becoming job compliant.

She was in the process of bringing Darke County into a storm Ready designation, when she was forced from her position. She had many irons in the fire that have been dropped in her absence to the detriment of this county. I can only think these projects have been dropped due to the vacancy of a person in a LEADERSHIP position.

Thus the argument that she lacked leadership at the time these decisions were being made is invalidated.

I was informed that she was overlooked for the position because of “FIT”, misunderstanding the exact meaning of the term, and observing melody’s almost seamless service in the safety community, I can only see “fitness” as a conflict between the Commissioners Office, and a perceived personal vendetta against Melody.

If this is true, I ask you to please put your personal pouts aside, and restore a vital resource to our county back in the position where she best fits.  She loved her job, and it showed. Melody and Mindy make a superlative team together. If the Commissioners had ever been aware of exactly what this office has offered our community, you would treasure the resources you had, and protected them, not ousted them.

I implore you to please rectify this mistake, and I will gladly go away”.
Commissioner Stegall:  I have a question, have you talked to Mindy about the teams?

Ms. Parks:  She was, we did a search drill yesterday, and we had eight (8) hours.

Commissioner Stegall:  Is she planning on continuing the program?

Ms. Parks:  Melody will teach the classes.

Commissioner Stegall:  I didn’t ask you that.  Is Mindy planning on continuing the program?

Ms. Parks:  She asked Melody if she would teach the classes.

Commissioner Stegall:  So she is continuing, so your assertion, what you said earlier was that you was afraid this was going to go away under Mindy?  That is what you said.  You were afraid that.

Ms. Parks:  It is in dangered and Melody is not, Mindy is not going to continue all the training, she can’t. 

Commissioner Stegall:  Did she say that she wasn’t?

Ms. Parks:  No.

Commissioner Stegall:  She didn’t.

Ms. Parks:  Ask her, ask her.

Commissioner Stegall:  I’m asking you because you are the one that is making the assertion.  Did you ask her if she was not going to continue it?

Ms Parks:  No, she asked me.

Commissioner Stegall:  You didn’t, ok.  So that tells me that you really are making an assumption here, correct?  You really don’t know, is that right?

Ms. Parks:  Mindy is not really giving me any answers out of the EMA Office.

Commissioner Stegall:  You don’t know then, do you?

Ms. Parks:  No, I’m not getting answers.

Commissioner Stegall: So, last week you came in and made some pretty healthy charges against us.  You even told me to my face that I was a liar, cheat and a criminal.  That’s fine, that is your opinion.  But then you quoted one of the, probably one of the greatest Presidents and the greatest minds that this country has ever had.  I’m assuming you really respect him, Thomas Jefferson?  Do you respect Thomas Jefferson?

Ms Parks:  Yes.

Commissioner Stegall:  Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant man, and said a lot of things.  And not only did he make the remark about despotism; he made one that you need to hear.  I’m then going to quote you two (2) more from another guy whom I think was one of the “brilliant orders” of the 20th Century, Winston Churchill.  But Mr. Jefferson said; and you have just stated that you do not know what is going on, so, Mr. Jefferson said, “He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he who’s mind is filled with falsehoods and errors”.  You might want to think about that.  You really don’t know what is going on so you might want to find out.  Then Mr. Churchill, who is also very brilliant, said a thing that I want to, your partly right on a lot of things.  He said “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak”; you have shown that; and  “Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”, you might want to follow that part of it.  One more, and this is kind of humorous, but it is the truth.  He said, “Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on”.  I just thought you might want to think about those.

Ms. Parks:  Would you explain that one to me?

Commissioner Stegall:  Absolutely.  A lot of times we are given the truth, we see it, we just don’t like it, and we just continue on down the path were going.

Ms. Parks:  Could this be both ways?

Commissioner Stegall:  Absolutely, absolutely.

Ms. Parks:  Alright, that is all I wanted.

Commissioner Rhoades:  Mr. Dean?

DC Citizen Fred Dean:  After reading the article in the “Early Bird” yesterday, and Mrs. Lucas stated and gave dates, times and everything that took place makes it sound awfully correct.  The public would just honestly like to know the honest truth.  My question is, did she speak the truth, yes or no?

Commissioner Rhoades: I will put it this way.  Some was, some was stretched and some wasn’t.

Ms. Parks:  Can you elaborate?

Commissioner Rhoades:  Nope, no.

Commissioner Stegall:  I think what she did more than anything was to put a timeline to it, that is what she did.

Commissioner Rhoades:  Elisabeth; Fred, no matter what we say it is going to get twisted.  Some points in there were good, some were stretched and some were fabricated.  End of discussion.

Ms. Parks:  You never defend yourself, and there for awhile we was left in the loom.

Commissioner Rhoades:  It wouldn’t have done any good.  Elisabeth Wirrig (w/Daily Advocate) go ahead your next; Fred, I will talk to you later ok, because I’m not going to say anything in public because I did to a fellow out back and it came right back out a_ _ backwards of what I said.  There is no since in defending me, because they will pick it apart.

Ms. Parks:  It is recorded.

Commissioner Rhoades:  That is fine.  It doesn’t matter if it is recorded here or not cause you’re going to do something different on the blog, or wherever you want to print it, and everybody else does too, so it doesn’t matter.

Ms. Parks:  Because we never get anything, anything back.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

DC Citizen Karyl Parks: Last week when you asked me if I had, or I knew if these programs were in jeopardy or not, and you asked me if I asked Mindy, and I had not; and I did today, I mean not today but previously.  Her comments were she felt I was justified in being fearful of losing these programs because she can only keep so many balls in the air.

Commissioner Stegall:  Ok.

Ms. Parks: So, my fears are justified.  (Ms. Parks read the following Statement):

I find it ironic, or maybe a subconscious tell, that you chose the quotes by Thomas Jefferson and Churchill. It would seem more appropriate that you “listened” to them.

I HAVE been listening. I have seen from meeting to meeting direct conflicts in statements from you, the Commissioners. Your only defense is to call others liars, when you have provided no information or other support.

After being told by Mr. Stegall “you have just stated that you do not know what is going on”, you also quoted Mr. Jefferson; “He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors”. Then you stated “You might want to think about that. You really don’t know what is going on so you might want to find out.” How do we do that when you will not tell us?  After thinking about it, the public has been trying to find out. My feelings are that so far the only falsehoods and errors demonstrated (known) appear to be coming from this office, and since you say “you know nothing”, using your Jefferson quote would imply that I am closer to the truth.

Then you quote Mr. Churchill, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak”; and “Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. “You might want to follow that part”, that was your quote. You go on to say “One more, and this is kind of humorous, but it is the truth. He said, ‘Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on”. I just thought you might want to think about those.

Ok, this is an interpretation: A lot of times we are given the truth, we see it, we just don’t like it, and we just continue on down the path were going.

The real interpretation is: people often ignore inconvenient facts or truths, which force them to think about something as correct or are sure of something being unquestionably right or wrong; or shake their beliefs or sense of right/wrong. Hence they continue on their old beliefs or moral values as if they never discovered` the uncomfortable truth rather than deal with the trouble of re-aligning ones stand or change earlier beliefs. This to me is more applicable to the Commissioners than to my pursuit of truth. It is the Commissioners’ values and morals and values that need re-aligned. Admit to the truth, stop stumbling, and pick yourselves up, implement corrective actions, and then we can continue on.

Some of the things you have said when it comes to Leadership and hiring practices, and I wanted to go over leadership because I am beginning to think that you don’t know the definition of LEADERSHIP.

LEADERSHIP - The bait and switch - first said that Melody had none whatsoever. After that was debunked, stated by Mr. Rhoades that he missed that on the resume’. Then that switched to “fit”- fit to what, them personally or with the community? But you as the Commissioners seem to be doing a LOT of BAIT and SWITCH.

CNO Editor: Parks then listed of a numer of qualities that she felt was pertinent... read them in the Commissioners Meeting notes posted today.

Commissioner Stegall:  Thank you very very much for that.  I do have one question.  You keep throwing up this fear and intimidation.  Who are we intimidating?

Ms. Parks:  What about the people that, if they speak out about something, and they feel has done wrong, lose their jobs, that is fear and intimidation.

Commissioner Stegall:  Have we intimidated you?

Ms. Parks:  You have tried.  Look at the minutes from the last meeting.  If that isn’t an attempt to intimidate, than I don’t know what it is.

Commissioner Stegall:  Explain it, could you explain that to me?  How I intimidated you by asking you a question?

Ms. Parks:  You didn’t, because I don’t get intimidated very easily.  You have probably figured that out.  But, it certainly was an attempt and others that have read the minutes also feel it was rude and intimidating.

Commissioner Stegall:  Really.  So you don’t think you was rude and intimidating, and you called me a cheat, liar & thief?

Ms. Parks:  That was off the “record”.

Commissioner Stegall:  It doesn’t matter, you still said it.  If your going to say it off the record, you might as well say it on.

Ms. Parks:  It wasn’t personal.  I feel that way about all Politicians in general.

Commissioner Stegall:  Oh, ok.  I do want to correct you on one thing.  You did miss quote me on what was said when you left the door.  What was said was, I said “I will see you next Wednesday”; and you said “ha huh, what makes you think that I will be back Wednesday”?  That is when I said, “you’ll be back because you are enjoying your 15 minutes of fame to much”.  So there was a little bit more to that conversation.  But I do want to thank you for coming back.  You do make this entertaining and I do get a kick out of it.

Commissioner Stegall:  Alex?

Alex Mikos w/TIGER Radio: Obviously, I think, it has been well documented that you take pride in your communication skills.

Commissioner Stegall:  Yes.

Alex Mikos:  with the community, whether that is your, with the Advocate Online, with the County News, and Darke Journal, my program on Community Ties on WTGR; do you feel that your relationship with the community, whether it is communication that has taken a hit to the recent activities?

Commissioner Stegall:  I think the people that think we are hiding something, will always think that.  But I do think that as far as me communicating with the public, am going to continue that. As a matter of fact, I have a “Coffee with the Commissioner” coming up on April 14th.  I’m going to continue with that cause that is the only way that, I’m trying to bring the government back to the people.  Now, some people don’t believe that, which is fine.  Some people think that, you know, whatever.  But I’m going to continue down that path because I really believe what we are doing, by trying to bring back the government back to the people.  Has it taken a hit?  Not from what I have heard, no.  That is just what I have heard, I don’t know. 

Commissioner Delaplane:  I think communication is a good aspect of what we need to do.  But it also needs to be in the correct setting and also in the correct manner.  When we have personnel issues, a lot of the time that needs to be within the Commissioner Board.  And I know I have talked to other business people and lawyers and everything and they say that we are doing the right thing by not telling the whole story, as to what people think it is.  We have dealt with the situation, we handled it and now it is done.  And they have said that we need to continue to move on.  So I think when it comes to personnel issues, sometimes that is another scenario, open communications for what we are doing and the projects that we are handling, I think is very additively out there in the public. But there is some things that need to be just where they are. Once they have been dealt with and handled, we learn, and we are all human, and that is where they need to be.

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