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Rep. Steve King Says Obama Is Governing Like a ‘King’
By Elizabeth Harrington
July 2, 2012   

( -- Pointing to the Health and Human Services regulation that will require virtually all health care plans to cover sterilization, artificial contraception and abortifacients for free, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said that President Barack Obama is governing like a “king.” 

The mandate, which goes into effect on Aug. 1, requires nearly all health insurers to provide sterilizations, contraceptives, and abortifacients free of charge. President Obama announced the finalized rule on Feb. 10, during a press conference at the White House. 

“The rule that was published by [HHS Secretary] Kathleen Sebelius directed even our religious institutions that are health care providers to provide abortifacients, sterilizations and contraceptives free of charge as part of every health care policy that they would offer, even though it violated the deep religious convictions, especially of the Catholic Church, but many others as well,” Rep. King told 

“And when [President Obama] took two weeks of heat over that and realized that he had earned the enmity of the entire Catholic Church and many other faith organizations -- when they read the letter of the bishops in my church, which said, ‘We cannot, we will not obey this unjust law’ -- the president then held a press conference at noon on a Friday about two weeks from the time this rule was issued.” 

President Barack Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. (AP Photo) 

“They didn’t change the rule at all,” he said.  “Not a single letter, not an ‘I’ dot or a ‘T’ crossed differently, the same rule exists today that existed when they first ruled it out. The president then stepped up at noon on a Friday and he said, ‘I’m going to make an accommodation to the religious organizations and now I’m going to require the insurance companies to do this for free.’  And he repeated himself, ‘for free.’” 

“But what got missed by much of the media was this is the first time that I know that the president of the United States had attempted to and may have succeeded in legislating by press conference,” he said.  “Press conference.”

“The edict of the king: ‘I have spoken.  So be it,’” said King. 

“You know, I can speak about kings with great criticism since I happen to have that for a name, but that is an outrageous and an arrogant reach into the history of our country, the traditions of our country, the very clear lines that are there in the Constitution itself and the separation of powers,” said the congressman. 

“And a president who takes an oath of office, not just to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States to the best of his ability so help him God,” said King,  “but also -- and as not just implied but it’s specific in the Constitution -- that that oath include that he take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” 

“He’s faithfully executing laws, all right, but not in the fashion or the definition that was understood in the Constitution,” said King.  “He’s just shooting them down willy-nilly one after another by presidential edict.” 

As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), Secretary Sebelius announced in August 2011 a mandate that requires all health insurers to offer sterilizations and FDA-approved contraceptives, including those that induce abortion... 

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