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Columbus Dispatch...
Portman says Congress might hold off on big issues
By  Joe Vardon
Tuesday March 27, 2012 

Perhaps Republican U.S. Sen. Rob Portman was stating the obvious Saturday when he predicted Congress wouldn’t be able to address issues such as the country’s debt, expiring Bush-era tax cuts, Medicare reimbursements for doctors and across-the-board spending cuts triggered by the failure of the “supercommittee” until after the 2012 election. 

“We also have to consider doing what Congress does best, which is kicking the can down the road, but doing it only for a short period of time,” Portman told the Ohio State Medical Association. “ And in a few months the new Congress has to come back with real tax reform. 

“A new Congress would be better than the old Congress, but you don’t know what the majorities are going to be. A new president will sign it, if there is a new president. Who knows if there will be or not? I’m not making that prediction here today. But if there is a new president, he would sign it, and if President Obama is re-elected, he would sign it.” 

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