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Dayton Business Journal
Dayton lawyer discusses potential impact of Supreme Court same sex marriage ruling
By Olivia Barrow 

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably seen some of the buzz about the current discussions of same sex marriage by the Supreme Court. 

The debate, evaluating the constitutionality of California’s ban on same sex marriage and the federal Defense of Marriage Act, has polarized many social media outlets, with businesses and individuals taking sides and voicing their opinions. 

Regardless of the side you take, it’s an issue worth watching because of its potential impact on federal and employee benefits issues, said Steve Watring, a partner with Dunlevey, Mahan & Furry in Dayton. 

But despite all the hype, Watring said he thinks the ruling, expected no later than the end of the court term in June, may not be as decisive as both sides hope, as the justices seek to avoid coming down on the wrong side of history. 

Watring shared some of his thoughts on the way the debate has been moving in the Supreme Court. 

Q: Why is this such a big issue? 

A: The decision on the Defense of Marriage Act is going to have a huge impact on access to federal benefits for nontraditional married couples. That is just going to have a ripple effect across the country. The California Law is another issue and that is going to have a lot to do with whether states can regulate these kinds of things and whether any state can ban gay marriage. Because if the court rules California can’t ban gay marriage, then even some of the conservative states can’t ban gay marriage…

Read the rest of the article at the Dayton Business Journal

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