the bistro off broadway

Sheriff enforces traffic laws in Castine construction zone

The Darke County Sheriff’s Office wishes to inform citizens that U.S. Route 127 in the Village of Castine is closed due to a construction project that is expected to take approximately 90 days.  Road Closed signs have been erected and are clearly established at the north and south Village limits.  U.S. Route 127 is considered closed in the Village of Castine.  The only vehicles permitted to travel are those that live in the Village or have legitimate business there; all other through traffic is prohibited.  Detour signs have been placed at State Route 503 to the north and U.S. Route 40 to the south.  The recommended detour is U.S. Route 40 east of U.S. Route 127 and State Route 503.  Truck traffic is not permitted on the county and township roads north and south of Castine due to the fact that they can not accommodate large semis and commercial trucks at the rural intersections. 

Since the closure began last week the Darke County Sheriff’s Office has responded to several semi trucks on Davidson Road that have slipped off the roadway and nearly tipped over.  Deputies have been tied up for hours while the commercial trucks had to be assisted by large tow trucks back on to the roads.  The Sheriff’s Office has also received complaints from citizens in the Village of Castine that non local traffic and commercial trucks have been moving the barricades and travelling through the construction zone despite the closure.  The non essential traffic causes disruption to the construction project and delays progress in the work.  It is also an unnecessary safety hazard to construction workers in the work zone. 

It is a violation of Ohio traffic laws to travel on closed roadways, disobey traffic signs or traffic control devices.  As a result of these ongoing issues Darke County Deputies will be enforcing these laws.  Traffic citations will be issued to any unauthorized vehicles traveling on closed roads in the Castine area until this project is completed. 

The Sheriff and the Village of Castine appreciate the motoring public’s patience as this project progresses.

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