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Ohio Senator Bill Beagle
Senate Prescribes Booster Shot for Outdated Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Laws

COLUMBUS– State Senator Bill Beagle (R-Tipp City) today announced the Senate's passage of a bill to improve access to health care for Ohioans by modernizing Ohio's outdated physician assistant and nurse practitioner laws.

Senate Bill 110, co-sponsored by Senator Beagle, seeks to update the scope of practice for Ohio's Physician Assistants (PAs) and Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and improve access to health care services while maintaining quality safeguards.

"This legislation would allow a physician to fully utilize their team and provide greater quality care to their patients,” said Beagle.

If enacted, the bill would increase the number of PAs allowed to practice under a physician from two to three. This change would decrease doctor's office wait times and creates greater employment opportunities in health care professions.

The legislation significantly reduces the amount of time it takes for PAs to begin practicing by eliminating an unnecessary filing process through the Ohio State Medical Board.

The bill would also eliminate an antiquated list of permissible services a PA may provide and instead allows the supervising physician the authority to make the determination based on their scope of practice.

"Health care is a rapidly evolving field, and Ohio's laws need to stay current and be flexible to take advantage of the innovations coming forward,” said Beagle.

Senate Bill 110 also permits APRNs to delegate authority to another health care provider to administer drugs to a specific patient.

The legislation passed the Senate with a bipartisan vote of 33-0 and will now go to the House of Representatives for further consideration.

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