the bistro off broadway

Torie Richards is pictured in a jumping contest at the fair. Richards is a member of the
Buckeye Buckaroos 4-H Horse Club.

Richards shines during 4-H fair horse competition

GREENVILLE-Like so many other 4-H horse riders, 15 year old Torie Richards, a sophomore at Tri-Village, is one of the busier exhibitors at the fair.

Showing in several classes with two different quarter horses, Willard and Remi, Richards has found a lot of success in the show ring. From the barrels and poles to the gate jumping, Richards has proven to be a fierce competitor and is tough to beat. Even though Richards had a bit of bad luck Monday, crashing one of the gates, she always gives it all she has.

“I’ve competed in about 20 different competitions this year,” said Richards. “I’ve been riding since I was about five using a buddy seat. I’ve been competing since I was nine and my favorite event is barrels.”

“I like the contesting events the most,” Richards added. “You’re running against the clock and there is no judge watching you. Everything is timed.”

In addition to showing her horses, Richards also plays basketball for the Patriots.

“I think we’re going to be okay this year,” said Richards. “We might be good enough to make it to regionals but you never know.”

While Richards knows it take five girls on the floor playing like a team to win, when she’s in the show ring, there is no team; it’s only her against the clock or the judge, depending on the event.

“I love basketball but I like my horses more,” Richards said in conclusion. 

Richards would like to be able to compete for many years after 4-H.

Richards is the daughter of Niles and Renee Richards.

Richards is pictured with her horse Willard.

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