the bistro off broadway


Broke Wife, Big City
Blame it on the alcohol
By Aprill Brandon

Guys, I did something stupid. Something really stupid.

I got drunk last night and paid off a student loan.

I’m not even sure what came over me. It was so reckless, so impulsive. I mean, what was I thinking? We are in the midst of a pandemic. Democracy is crumbling. Corruption is rampant. All our institutions are teetering on the edge. We are staring down the possible beginning of the end.

And what do I do when facing the apocalypse? Drunkenly make a mature, responsible decision for the future. Start paying off debt like there’s actually going to be a tomorrow.

I admit I’ve always been a bit self-destructive but this is a new low, even for me. I’ve gone so far around the bend of self-destruction that I am now self-helping myself into a better life that likely leads to a better credit score during ARMAGEDDON. Which really shows you the depth of self-loathing I must harbor. What idiot finally decides to get their life together but only once it probably doesn’t matter?

I’ll give you a clue. She’s super hungover right now.

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been drinking more lately. The stress of *gestures widely to everything* has been getting to me. But I thought I had it under control. I never thought it’d come to this. I never thought I’d actually use our hard earned money for something that didn’t provide instant gratification.

Yet the details keep coming back in bits and pieces this wretched morning. It was my second, no, my third drink of the night. OK, yes, we all know it was my fourth, shut up. My husband was giving the kids a bath. I was alone with my laptop. It started so innocently. I just went in to pay off my monthly statement. Something I’ve been doing since I graduated in 2004. Maybe on a different night, maybe on a sober night, things would have been different. But on this particular evening, when my eyes passed casually over the remaining balance, unseemly thoughts started forming.

“Gee, that number actually looks manageable.”

“Golly, like I could just pay it all off.”

“Right now.”


“I wouldn’t even have to dip into our savings.”


“What if I just…”

And then I just. This is what you get when you abandon bottled wine and start buying boxed wine because it’s less judgmental, kids.

I should be spending money on overpriced Renaissance Festival dresses I only get to wear once a year! I should be tracking down how to buy my own llama! Or, hell, three! If there was ever a time to justify the purchase of a pimped out RV I absolutely cannot afford, THIS IS IT.

But OH NO. Not me.


I really expected more of myself.

Actually, no I didn’t. Because honestly, what else can you expect from a woman who started running after the birth of her second child, not to get in shape, but to punish her body and mind for convincing her that having two kids was a good idea.


But all this does lead to the more distressing issue that this is what I do when I’m drunk now. That’s how I celebrate my lowered inhibitions when I am on the cusp of 40. By NOT buying overpriced candles I can’t afford in bulk followed by chugging craft beer with an irresponsible alcohol content I had delivered followed by purchasing $100 worth of food from the local pizza place, which I eat until I want to die?

Who am I? What kind of grown-up monster have I become?

I haven’t even told my husband yet. I’m still too ashamed. Is this the same woman he fell in love with? The same one he married? The carefree girl who would get drunk in bars and then blow the rent money on giant stacks of books and boots with varying amounts of fur? Followed by ordering $100 worth of food from the local pizza place, which she ate until she wanted to die?

I mean, what’s next? Texting people back in a reasonable amount of time? Starting a college fund for at least one of the children? Finally tracking down my social security card which has been lost inside this house for almost a decade?

It’s enough to make a gal want a drink.

But at least this time I can take comfort in knowing that I have a second federal student loan with a much, much higher balance that I can’t even attempt to pay off right now.

Or probably ever.


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