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Along Life’s Way
Running in Neutral?
By Lois E. Wilson
At times we may think our lives are stuck in a rut or running in neutral. It may seem to us we are not progressing as well or fast as other people our age. Our jobs or careers seem at a dead end. We lack friends to share events and activities to fill empty hours.
Do we have a fear of the success which we truly want so much? I once read an acronym for the word “FEAR.” It was False Evidence Appearing Real. Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 made this comment: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
You may fear failure of not being accepted.  Do you ask yourself if you have enough education and talents to contribute? Is your questioning a lack of confidence? Fear robs the mind of the power to act and reason. We all are fearful of strange situations. Life’s journey does require courage.
Caution is different from fear. It implies that you may have doubts about a future endeavor; however, you are investigating it with an open mind before making a decision.
You’ve heard the expression, “Don’t talk about it—be about it!” Mother Teresa and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. are both credited with the quote: “Do the next right thing.”
What is the next right thing for you? Is it preparing you to fulfill a lifetime goal? Instead of being afraid, make a plan of your own. You have something to contribute someplace that will be rewarding to you and others. It could be joining an organization to make friends and learn something new. It could be volunteering.
Empowering Darke County Youth is an organization with close contact to County News Online. It can use volunteers to help in several ways: Volunteer Tutor, Program Volunteer, and Donations. Empowering works with young students in the county to improve their math and language arts skills. On the home page, you’ll find sites which explain its mission and needs. Get up-to-date information by emailing
Remember, you are in the driver’s seat. Follow your map and choose a productive route to travel. If you are curious, cautious, confident, certain, and have courage, change your gear from “neutral” to “drive.” Discard fear, and you personally will be more content and your life more complete. You will create a better version of yourself.

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