the bistro off broadway


Broke Wife, Big City
Hey Randy!
By Aprill Brandon

In this age of Larger-Than-Life characters, there lurks in the shadows another archetype. One that often gets overlooked in all the noise and chaos. Yet, there they stoically stay, content to remain on the sidelines, only emerging in times of great need.

The Quiet Hero.

They can be any gender, any race, any age, any ethnicity. The only thing they have in common is that they quietly do hero stuff and ask for nothing in return. They are the mythic ones whose mild mannered alter-ego is exactly the same as their mild-mannered superhero ego.

Which brings me to Randy. He’s our landlord’s loyal handyman. Randy the Handyman, if you will.  We’ve known him for almost a decade now. We’ve known his assistant, Jacob, for quite a few years now too. It was these two Quiet Heroes who strode bravely into our house yesterday, on a mission to fix our garbage disposal, unaware of the hurricane they were walking into. For, unbeknownst to them, our preschooler and first grader haven’t seen the inside of a school since March. They haven’t had a sleepover in almost a year. They haven’t been unceremoniously dumped at MeMaw’s for a week or played organized sports or been to camp for a long, long time.

It was the perfect storm.

And so, in honor of these noble gentlemen, I immediately got out my laptop and transcribed what followed as accurately as I could.

*knock at door*

Hi! Randy! Hi! Hey Randy!

Hey! Hey Randy! Look at my toy! Randy!

What’s that other guy’s name again?

Hey! Hi Jacob! Jacob, hey, hi!

Randy, I lost four teeth!

I have pink headphones, want to see?

I have blue ones!

Have you ever read the book “Too Many Toys”? Hey Randy, have you ever read the book “Too Many Toys”?

I said I have blue ones! Blue headphones! Hey Randy!

Hey Jacob! Have you ever read “Too Many Toys”?

Hey Randy, I plug my headphones into the little hole on my tablet. Just like this.

There’s a funny part where the mom goes “Spencer, you have TOO MANY TOYS!” What are you guys doing?

Hey Randy! Do you want to see the comic book I wrote?

Hey, our dog died.

Yeah, our dog died.

Can I play with your tools?

What’s that thing do?

Can I have this?

What’s a garbage disposal?

Did they teach you how to fix this in school?

Hey, we just learned about germs today.

Hey! Guys! Look what I can do!

Look at my purse! Hey Randy! I keep all the shiny stuff in here. Do you guys like shiny stuff?

I made a spaceship out of Legos! Or maybe it’s a boat.

Hey Jacob, are you a cowboy? You look like a cowboy.

How old are you, Randy? Because you look old.

Hey! Watch me do this! Are you watching? Watch.

Where are you putting the old...what’s that thing called again?

Can I help?

Yeah, hey, can I help?

Did you know when dogs die they go over the rainbow bridge?

My favorite food is mac and cheese! What’s your favorite food? Is it cupcakes?

This went on for over an hour. And not only did these two men not slaughter my entire family with a socket wrench, they actually listened to everything my kids hurled rapid-fire at them and answered all their questions and stopped numerous times to “watch this!” All while also trying to do their jobs. All while keeping big smiles on their faces.

Yes, not all heroes wear capes. Some simply wear a toolbelt and give kindly attention to two little kids bravely trying to weather a pandemic.

Hey Randy. Hey Jacob. Thank you.

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