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Along Life’s Way
Seeing With Fresh Eyes
By Lois E. Wilson
Our attitude toward the situations we face can alter the course of our lives. This 2016 verse of mine emphasizes the vision of two individuals:
     Mr. Doom dubbed rocks, stumbling blocks.
     Miss Plume used each as a stepping stone.
     He threw away his holey socks.
     With hers, she tied up hollyhocks
     So the plants would not be weather-blown.
     All his choices were based on gloom—
     Hers graced a garden full of bloom!
Mr. Doom thought in the negative at what he encountered. In other words, he was a pessimist.
He set a low level on his expectations; therefore, his results were minimal or slid downhill.
Miss Plume saw beyond the outward appearance of objects. She envisioned a positive outlook of what they could become—that they had a use which could beautify her environment
Studies have shown that one’s attitude can affect health. Optimists are usually healthier and live longer. They cope with disease and recover from surgery faster. Their immune reactions and cardiovascular systems are better. Of equally healthy optimists and pessimists, the optimists are more likely to report feeling well.
John Lyle in 1579 wrote: “It is the nature of the thought that altereth the nature of the thing.” In 1711 Alexander Pope had a similar observation: “All seems infected that the infected spy—as all looks yellow to the jaundiced eye.”
By those using slang, the word “attitude” is sometimes shortened to ’tude. In that context, it is usually a negative of a person’s character. It can mean the person described has a resentful, attitude, is hostile, pugnacious, sour or surly. The question is, if we believe someone has a bad attitude, can they change themselves or be changed to have a more positive and optimistic one?
 I believe they can with the support of others and their faith. Many times, we decide how we look at the world and how we want to present ourselves to others. Peter Weiss noted: “The important thing is to pull yourself up by your own hair, to turn yourself inside out and see the whole world with fresh eyes.”
Like Miss Bloom, you can have the optimism to plant flower seeds in your garden of life and in the future see hollyhocks bloom to brighten yourself and others. In this New Year, look with fresh eyes; see an optimistic future. It can change your life.

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