
Republican National Convention
Living my Dream, Part 2
By Lyn Bliss
Senior Scribe 

Email. What did we ever do without it??  Wish I would have started keeping track of all the emails I have received and sent regarding the Republican National Convention. Well, maybe I don’t want to know… 

Things are progressing. No, let me make that ‘they are flying’! The date of departure seems to be coming toward me like a speeding bullet. The list of things to do seems to grow and apprehension has set in to fight for equal status with excitement. 

It’s things like that haircut that had to be precisely planned. A perm had to be obtained with enough time to have a trim before the trip. Was just about a week early on the trim, but it is now done and the hair will go the way it is (and thank you to my hair dresser Evelyn Sharp for being such a great professional). 

Then there is one more conference call, and one more and ONE MORE… and the stomach starts to churn with apprehension with all the details that seem to be joining the “do not forget” list! 

The tan is accumulating… thank goodness. But that was done to guard against becoming a crispy critter when standing in line outside in the sun. Oh ho! Mother Nature obviously loves a nasty joke, as the weather forecast for the week is not sun, but rain! That has resulted in a search of sporting gear around the house, looking for the rain poncho. Aha, located in the stadium seats used for football games. 

To pedicure or not to pedicure?? Open toed shoes and sandals look like they will be the wear of the trip. Having never had a pedicure in my life, and after almost three weeks of deliberations and asking several friends who they would recommend, both a pedicure and manicure are now scheduled before departure. That ought to be a real experience. 

The Ohio contingent has grown to a few over 400. We 129 delegates have been joined by honorary delegates, corporate sponsors, etc. There are now Ohioans who will not be able to stay in the same location, but are being housed in “overflow” accommodations. Frantic email from a fellow Jo Ann Davidson Ohio Leadership Institute graduate looking for lodging. She was willing to sleep on the floor. After a few calls around to various delegates and the Ohio Republican Party, she was able to move up from the floor to her own bed during the convention. 

The ever-present “to take” list goes everywhere with me, so when something comes to mind I don’t have to worry about forgetting to write it down. Wonder what it will be that I do end up forgetting?? 

We have been warned and warned that we should take comfortable shoes as we will be doing a lot of walking. Well, comfortable shoes for one hour are a whole lot different than comfortable shoes after 2/3 of a day and endless treks. Also, comfortable shoes and appropriate shoes are not necessarily compatible concepts. It has been another quest to find shoes that will go from sessions on the floor to semi-dressy evening events and still qualify as both somewhat stylish and also comfortable!! 

And, then we got a bombshell dropped on us. Remember those events that I mentioned as lasting until 1 and 2 a.m. respectively? Well, we are told that we will be having our delegate breakfast events televised. Yikes… 2 a.m. and then they want us on camera within hours?? Do you see where the apprehension is coming into the picture? 

Top that off with more warnings about dealing with the press, and the fight between excitement and apprehension is truly underway! Throw the chances of a hurricane in just to top things off! 

Jean and I have yet to set the time on when we will be meeting in Columbus prior to flying to Tampa. Both of us have county fairs this week.  Am guessing that we will be on the phone and email a whole lot on Saturday! 

Stay tuned, I am planning to try to send some highlights to Bob for CNO during this dream of mine!

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