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From the Other Side of the Edge….
Redskins” Name, …has Higher Approval Rating than Obama!!
By Joe Facinoli

Uh, …Oh….

Look what the latest polls have just drug in, …from under the shrubbery, over near the compost pit.

Seems like our dear, and oh so determined President, try as he might to distract us (from anything/everything), has had his once treasured, and formerly flaunted approval rating, …slip well below that of the hated and oh so “disparaging” name, of DC’s favorite NFL team !!

Would ya look at that. The truth hurts, …don’t it Barry, …even if it takes a month of Sundays, to finally show up.

The name “Redskins” is more popular, or at least approved by a wider margin, than Obama. Kinda has a nice, just, and proper ring to it, wouldn’t you say?

That racist and demeaning, shameful and humiliating, derogatory slur of a name, ….is about twice as popular as our self-righteous, self-absorbed, law breaking, teleprompter articulate, but clueless on the world stage, bad golfer President.


The chickens always come home to roost. Sometimes, …you just have to wait a while.

In the most recent Wall Street Journal/NBC poll (and btw, neither of these groups are exactly Tea Party backers), they found that only 37% of Americans approve of BHO’s handling of foreign policy, …in general.

And it’s a paltry 30%, when these same folks were asked about that clandestine, and unlawful, swap of five extremely dangerous Al-Qaeda killers at Gitmo, for one worthless and confused U.S. Army deserter in Afghanistan.

That’s Three out of Ten.

Might make you an All-Star in baseball, …but in politics, …that’s a negative blowout of Biblical proportions. And he did that one, all by himself, …and on purpose. No one to shift the blame to this time, …on this lollapalooza.

By contrast, an Associated Press poll from this April (another bastion of conservative thinking –NOT), found that nearly 4 out of every 5 people they surveyed (that would be 80%, for those who took math in private schools), said that the Washington Redskins should NOT change their name, …or at least, found no good reason that they should.

And only a miniscule 11% said that the name should be changed !! (Some folks suspect that a goodly number of these race baiting dissenters were actually hateful Dallas Cowboy fans, …so this number could even be lower!)

This, despite the hue and cry of the national media, and the tireless work of Sen. Harry Reid, the vaunted leader of the U.S. Senate, who stated that this “Redskins” issue was No. 1, in terms of national importance.

Harry, ….really???

Another poll, of recent vintage, showed that 90% of Native Americans did not think the word “Redskins” was offensive. Wow!!

Ok, so polls are often tough to believe, and harder to judge. But, if we go ahead and cut that last one all the way down to in HALF, that’s still a full 45% of Native Americans who don’t have a problem with that word, which is still well ahead of the President’s foreign policy favorables (37%).

Btw, the Prez’ overall approval rating is 41%, on everything, which would also be lower than that 45 number.

But what does this all mean? And can these two sets of poll results even be compared, in any intelligent way, or proper manner??

Wait a minute, I just used the concepts of intelligence and propriety, in the same sentence while discussing politics, ….sorry, my apologies. I’m having a bad day.

The point being, though, …that maybe, just perhaps, the American people, …the ones who count, that is, …the ones who work hard and pay taxes, and keep the private economy going (in spite of the govt. and union roadblocks), the ones who value their freedoms, and work to protect and perpetuate them, ….just maybe these fine folks are starting to wake up a bit, and make themselves heard, ….finally!

They can make a comparison here, …for they can judge, quickly and accurately, between what is real, and what is good or bad for them, …and that which is a manufactured hoax, and an attempted distraction from the mess created by the very hoax-ter(s) who want(s) us to look in the wrong direction, and not pay any attention, to that “little man behind the curtain”.

Even in the nonsensical, upside-down world of American politics, well-educated, well-meaning people of purpose and strength (we just need more of these kind of people to vote!), …know the difference.

They know well, …that the slanted media may try to shove this nonsense down their throats, …and selfish politicians may rant and rave, and pretend to care, …but the trivial notion of a national sports team’s nickname, or the private, and legal, conversations between a racist old man and his gold digging mistress, …simply pales in the face of the myriad illegal, un-Constitutional, and impeachable offenses, which this President has committed.

And they know a fish out of water, …when they see one.

This man Obama, …trying to run a military, and a State Department, and an economy, …all while trying to hold hands simultaneously with all the minorities in America, and with all the world’s vicious and tyrannical dictators, while continuing to push his kumbaya socialist agenda on all of them, is finally, and definitely, being exposed for the inexperienced fraud that he is.

So, when they are asked for their honest opinions, even by very liberal organizations like NBC, and the Associated Press (AP), …Americans are finally standing up and telling it like they see it.

And what they see is pretty frightful, and ugly, …and a damn shame.

Some things really matter, …and some things, …not even a little bit.

When a man has a legal, registered, and certified business, he can call it anything he wants. He may, or may not, get a trademark for it, but it’s HIS business, and he can run it as he chooses, as long as he pays his taxes, and breaks no laws.

This kind of thing, matters not a whit, even if a few people are offended by this man.

There will always be some people, who are offended by something, ...or anything.

A country of 315 million+ people, simply can’t be governed by constantly having to worry about the sensitivities of a scant few. Grow up, …and deal with it. The majority wins. Especially when it’s a vast majority.

But when a man is elected to a public office, to which he has sworn to do his best, for all the people who have entrusted these duties to him, and to uphold the laws in his jurisdiction, …but spends all of his time dancing around, and lying about, all of his poor attempts at serving this public, not to mention all the wrong-doings he continually hides, and runs away from, …this kind of thing matters.

A lot.

And what really matters, …is apparently starting to matter, to the majority of Americans. These polls, …if they are, in fact, to be believed, …bear this out.

Suggestion: In your “spare time”, re-read the first five or six paragraphs of our Declaration of Independence.

Think about them carefully, as you read them.

Now tell me that Jefferson’s, and Adams’, and Franklin’s amazing words don’t apply to today, on an equal measure as then.

Keep the Faith,
Joe Facinoli

--Joe can be reached at:
Intelligent Response Encouraged !!

© Copyright 2014, Joe Facinoli

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