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From the Other Side of the Edge…..
An Open Letter to my Cousin, ….Who Thinks I’m a Bigot and a Racist
By Joe Facinoli

On March 1 of this year, my dear cousin, who has been receiving my weekly columns for the past six months, by way of my personal email list, decided that he needed to be removed from that list, saying:

“Please remove my name from the list of vacuous recipients who choose to endure these incessant ramblings of bigoted conjecture.”

He’s not the first to forward such a request, nor certainly, will he be the last.

But I thought I should answer this one publicly, since he sort of took on all of “us”, in the condescending and dismissive style which is far too often so typical of Progressives, Liberals, …. and their “vacuous” brethren.

March 10, 2014

Dear Jimmy (not his real name, but that's not the point here),

Stupidity doesn’t have a color scheme.

Nor does it have any preference of hue, tint, complexion, nor pigment.

And it couldn’t care less about gender, lifestyle choices, social callings, academic history, family legacy, nor culture.

It’s an equal opportunity provider, to the logic “challenged”, and the common sense “impaired”. If you need a reference point for this, check out most of official Washington DC, and a lot of the “un”-official parts of our capital city.

Likewise, certain other human characteristics and attributes, show no preferential tendencies for which kinds of bodies, and types of people, they choose to inhabit.

Among these, are:

Irresponsibility; Selfishness; Arrogance; Caring for one’s fellows (or not); Disrespect for the laws one has sworn to uphold, and for the people they are written to protect; and Recklessness with a Sacred Trust, while playing to an audience for personal gain, or to further a narrow agenda.

And to not a single one of these human flaws and failings, does it matter even in the slightest, who the person is who displays them, nor which group practices them, nor what they look like.

All of us, …anyone, …can step right up and take a full helping. There is no gate keeper here, and not a pre-requisite in sight.

White, Black, Yellow, Brown, or Red. Striped, polka-dotted, or covered in hideous tattoos and piercings.

All have the same fair shot at basic, human, civilized standards. And the same rights to ignore them, along with the same responsibilities that come with those actions, and accountability for the consequences of them.

No one’s “hatin’ ” here, …just observing and commenting on what we see.

I have the right to do that, just as you have the right to disagree with my observations, …and to ignore, or even shun them.

But I will have to say, that I am more than a little disappointed with you.

Not because you don’t like my comments, nor my “incessant” criticisms, because I’ll never stop those, even if everyone on my list asks off !!

Just sayin’ my piece, doncha know. And that makes me feel better.

Nor am I disappointed in you because you are family, yet still take issue. No, a lot of folks have disagreeable family members, …just listen to all the jokes about that, every year around Thanksgiving time!

I’ve had a number of good respondents ask to be removed from “the list”, but usually after some intelligent back and forth, and strong give and take, and honest disagreement.

So asking to be deleted, …doesn’t bother me either.

But what DOES trouble me about your request, is your apparent lack of thought, and the missing depth of intuition, instinct, and insight, as well as an obvious dearth of knowledge, or any demonstration that you may have a clue, muchless a clear understanding, of the events of the day, and the politics which dominates our lives.

THAT’S disappointing. In you, …or in any American with a modicum, or even a shred of intelligence.

Shame on anyone who condemns others for being shallow and thoughtless, when they have no discernible grasp on that of which they speak.

Another thing that bothers me about your words, and the manner in which you chose them, is that you seem to have bought completely into all the talking points of the Left side, and of this Administration, and those of the National TV media (most of them, anyway).

I’ve always known you to be a smart guy, …how can you be missing so much?? And how can you not challenge things which are so contrary to common sense, and to what is right, ….and that are just so wrong.

This is not a Right or a Left thing, and there is no “conjecture” about any of this. It is very clear, and so partisan that is smells, and sickens. And both sides are guilty.

But I am curious. Just what set you off about my “ramblings” ??

And what about them makes me a “bigot” ?

Disagreeing with someone is one thing, and even wanting to be away from them is acceptable and understandable. But a “bigot” !!??!!

To go there, something of substance must have really got you going, and there must be a large dose of “wrong” within my opinions, which maybe you could help me with, and straighten me out, …for, you know, .…future ramblings and conjecture.

Apparently, calling out Oprah (which I did a while ago), for playing the race card, whenever it’s convenient, makes me a racist, if not a sexist racist. Ouch !

Not to mention taking on Jesse (“I was there when Martin was killed, so you should all genuflect, and give me money”), Sr., and Al (race card always pinned to his lapel) Sharpton, who have also found their way into my verbiage (more than once).

And evidently, you didn’t read my column on John Boehner, whom I called a weak-kneed, back-bencher, masquerading as a major political force, …or whatever he’s supposed to be.

Oh by the way, Big John is a Republican, and a white (well,…sorta orangish white) man, …so race, sexism, and politics didn’t really factor into my feelings of him, …just the fact that he’s a very bad leader. 

And quite obviously, in your deep and well thought out opinion, taking the President and the Attorney General of the U.S. (who yes, both happen to be black) to task for clear violations of the Constitution (several times), as well as other laws (legal ones, and natural ones), and lying about all of that, and many other important things (many times), plainly makes me an unmistakable bigot, and the worse kind of unfeeling racist.

Well, …..if by being that, …I can get these unstable, treacherous, and completely ineffective and deleterious “leaders” out of OUR harm’s way, …then I’ll do whatever it takes, ….and stand guilty as charged (and make no apologies for it).

But of course, I’m not. Never have been, …never will be. Not in my nature.

What IS in my nature, though, is to care about what happens to this country, and to the future of everyone in it.

One last thought, and piece of advice. You might also want to avoid, or ask off, the blog sites and writings of some other, much more prominent, Conservative thinkers.

Let me be helpful, and list some of them for you:

Thomas Sowell, Mychal Massie, Michael Steele, Walter E. Williams, Larry Elder, Carl Boyd, Jr., and Charles Payne,…to name just a few.

Oh sorry, ….did I forget to mention that all these guys are black?? And most have taken America’s first black President “to the woodshed”, in ways much harsher than I ever have.

Especially Mr. Massie, …and Dr. Williams. Man, …if you read them without knowing what color they are, …you, at least, would just swear they had to be a bunch of racist white folks!

But they speak only the unfettered, unapologetic truth. As I do.

And, as an answer to any sexism you may have mistakenly construed from any of my “stuff”, I’ll align myself, humbly, with any of the following columnists, who all speak with great passion, and frequency, on all these subjects:

Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Katie Pavlich, Marji Ross, Star Parker, and Laura Ingraham, among many others. Yep, …all of the female persuasion, and all just as “Right Side” as ol’ Dutch Reagan.

So, …ya might wanna skip them too, …they would just throw a wrench into your well-oiled Progressive thinking, …the kind that doesn’t require any, …well, …you know, ...thinking.

Ok Cuz, that’s it. See ya ‘round the table, on Turkey Day. And don’t worry, we won’t have to get into any political discussions.

We can just talk about your favorite NFL team, …..The Washington Redskins.

Now THERE’S a nice can of cranberry sauce to open, …whaddaya think ??

Yours Always,

Cousin Joe

--Joe can be reached at:
Intelligent Response Encouraged !!

©Copyright 2014, Joe Facinoli

But poor public policy is surely one reason why the American economy has not rebounded from recession as it has in the past. And political posturing has also played a major role.

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