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Ohio Department of Transportation
Ringing in Fiscal Year 2016
Last night, Governor John R. Kasich signed into law the $72 billion, two-year state budget bill. The legislation continues the momentum of economic growth in Ohio.
At the Ohio Department of Transportation, we are innovating and identifying creative ways to pay for our growing transportation system. The governor’s transportation budget enacted earlier this year supports jobs, economic growth, safety, and continues moving Ohio in the right direction.
In fact, we are adding to the success of the governor’s Jobs and Transportation Plan that has invested nearly $5 billion into more than 2,000 projects over the previous two years. These projects have put thousands of people to work and helped expand and maintain our transportation system to meet the needs of job creators and a growing state economy. All without raising the gasoline tax.
Over the next two fiscal years, ODOT will spend nearly $6 billion on 1,600 highway construction and maintenance projects. Our highways are a vital part of the state’s infrastructure and our budget bill expands and maintains highways with major projects like Cherry Valley Road in Newark, expanding I-71 in south Columbus, and the Mill Creek Expressway in Cincinnati. These projects also mean jobs. It is estimated that for every $1 billion spent on transportation, 30,000 jobs are created.
Our budget provides $600 million to help local governments improve roads and bridges over the next two years. These projects will help people and goods get where they need to go in the most efficient way possible.
ODOT’s budget includes $105 million for public transportation. These funds will help provide operating expenses for rural transit, replace aging vehicles, facility and vehicle preservation, and transportation for the elderly and disabled. Ohio’s 61 transit agencies provide more than 115 million trips annually.
Ohio’s economy continues to improve and as it does, the need to move goods and people increases. We’re addressing this by expanding our transportation system and investing record amounts of money. The state’s transportation budget builds on the successes of the past two years and keeps us moving toward tomorrow without increasing the state’s motor fuel taxes.
We look forward to continuing our relationship and working with you for years to come.
Jerry Wray
ODOT Director

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