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Broke Wife, Big City
I’mma let you finish this preschool graduation, but first let me say...
By Aprill Brandon

Ladies and gentlemen, parents and loved ones, distinguished guests and, especially, educators just white-knuckling it until you’re finally free for the summer... welcome. And thank you for that wonderful introduction. Granted, I realize no one technically introduced me since I just hopped up here and grabbed the mic. But hey, no one has full-body tackled me yet and I’m having some big feelings right now, so I’mma go with it.

I am truly honored to be here today. So honored, in fact, I even put on my good leggings. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Riker’s mom. That’s him. Right there. The most adorable little boy in the world. Wave hi to everyone, Riker. Oh my god, will you just look at those red curls of his? You know he had a full set of those red curls when he emerged from my womb? Even the doctor was impressed. He was so little back then... and perfect... and time went by... so fast… *sob*... no, no, I’m fine *sniffle*.

Now, I’ll admit, before I had children, I thought the idea of a preschool graduation was the dumbest thing I’d ever heard. Like, congratulations on learning what a triangle is, kid. Here’s a diploma for blowing your nose correctly. But then I became a mom. And soon realized the dumbest thing I ever heard were all those stupid, stupid, little songs they sing on “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.”

More importantly, however, I realized how wonderful the idea of this graduation ceremony really is. And not just so I can take 500 photos of my kid standing on a stage picking his nose. But also so I can then share all these photos on social media and shove them down the throats of people I barely know in real life.


In fact, you all look gorgeous today. With your tiny dresses and your little button-up shirts... and... oh, look at that one, she has a flower in her hair... I just can’t… *sob*... oh no, I’ll be alright, Mrs. Ferris. Sit down. No, really. I’m not done yet. I said SIT DOWN. 

I want to tell all you children how proud we are of you. You’ve come so far. Remember the first day of school? All that crying and clinging and whimpering? And you kids were pretty upset too.

Look at you now. So much more mature. So much more independent. So many new curse words in your vocabulary (sorry, other parents, that’s... that’s mostly on me).

Even though you guys are just starting out on your life’s journey, it’s important to remember on this special day that the road to success is filled with no parking signs. And permit parking only signs. And those indecipherable signs that say you can only park here on Tuesday from 1 a.m.-5 a.m. Which reminds me, if anyone sees a 2004 red Hyundai with a gray hood being towed, please let me know. We are definitely parked illegally out front because for some reason this school has the world’s smallest parking lot.

But no matter where the road takes you, dear graduates, my advice is to follow your passion. Unless that passion is to pick your nose. Knock that crap off. RIKER! I mean it, mister. And as you prepare to enter the real world, a world where there is only one snack break and no longer two snack breaks, remember this: there will always be more snacks over the horizon. Be patient. The world is full of snacks. And should you ever find yourself in an unbearable snackless situation, look for the nearest grandparent. They will immediately find you a snack. They don’t even have to be your grandparent.

And so, in conclusion, let me just end with this quote from the inimitable Dr. Seuss: Do not hop on pop. Or mom. Seriously. Stop it. It hurts our backs.

Oh, and one more thing, I know it’s only 8:30 in the morning but the next time you guys have one of these things, maybe put in an open bar or something because some of us are having a LOT of emotions right now and a Bloody Mary or three would really help ease the... oh, and it appears my husband is now trying to pull me off the stage... hang on, honey, I’m almost done... I just…*sniffle*... you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Riker... you and your little sister, who I lost track of like 20 minutes ago and... HANG ON, RYAN... and ... I know you’re going to do wonderful things and... WAIT, WAIT, STOP PULLING... oh, just look at Riker’s little horrified face! I made that face with my lady parts... OK, OK, I’M LEAVING…

Can’t get enough of Aprill? Can’t wait until next week?
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