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Hooha from... Greenville Ohio?
A walk down memory lane
By George Starks

GREENVILLE- Many of you have been reading, as I have, the columns by Brandy Lewis. They took me down a road I once traveled many years ago. As you read this, she is in Georgia with her son Cade, as he has now graduated from Army basic training.

I know how proud she is of him.  There are times she doesn't have to say a word, especially on those days after she gets a letter from him. Those are the days I can look at her and just tell by the expression on her face that she has received a letter from him.

That brings me to my thoughts.

It was June of 1976. I was two weeks out of high school and I left the recruiting center in Piqua to catch a train to Cincinnati with my final destination being Great Lakes Illinois and the Navy Recruit Training Command.

I remember how my mother beamed with pride even though the tears flowed down her face. Her oldest child was leaving the nest to make his mark in life.

I wrote home as often as I could, letting my family know I was okay and doing fine. Yes, I was homesick but this was the path I chose for myself. Nine weeks went by fast and the next thing I knew we were taking our final physical training test.

I was in pretty good shape in those days and passing the test was a piece of cake for me even though others struggled. It wasn't an easy nine weeks but I had made it look easy when it counted the most for me.

Company 926 was ready for the next level.

I remember calling home to tell mom and dad the date of the graduation ceremony. Mom was so happy, it was almost like I could hear her voice from Hollansburg itself. I really didn't need the phone anymore.

They made the trek there to watch me graduate. Our company was a special units company. We marched in many parades and even at the state fair in Wisconsin.  We carried the states flags. I carried the Oklahoma state flag and mom could see me when we passed in front of the review stand at graduation.

That weekend was spent at a campground and I really enjoyed that time. Mom was happy she was able to spend a few days with me but didn't much care for the fact I was going to Norfolk, Virginia and was going to be on a ship. Three and a half years onboard the aircraft carrier, the USS John F. Kennedy, was the experience of a lifetime.

I'm sure Brandy will experience many of the same emotions as my mother did in 1976. This will be a special time for her and Cade as well. No matter where this young man goes in the future, I know it will be one adventure after another.

Good luck Cade.

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