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Along Life’s Way
The Importance of Dollars and Sense
By Lois E. Wilson
To some people the way the financial world works is a mystery. One woman went into the bank to cash her husband’s paycheck. The teller advised her, “It needs your endorsement.” The woman happily complied by writing on the back of the check:”Harry is a wonderful provider.”
Some years ago, a clueless man heard a financial specialist say, “There is a new millionaire created in the United States every forty minutes.” As he waited, the man frequently checked his watch. No matter how often he looked at it, nothing happened. He had no understanding of statistics or probabilities. A more recent study cites that in our country there are 1700 new millionaires each day.
In 1 Timothy 6:10 (AV) it states:”For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
There are those with money who are community minded and unselfishly contribute it wisely to support churches, charities, and non-profit organizations. Many groups depend on their generosity and could not fulfill their missions without this help.
An old saying goes: “Poor people spend like they’re rich---so they remain poor. Rich people spend like they’re poor—so they stay rich.” Some, if they receive a windfall such as winning the lottery, do not use sense in planning for their future needs.
One unconfirmed study claimed that 70% of lottery winners end up broke. Another study found that after 3-5 years, they are more likely than the average American to declare bankruptcy. One study discovered that the windfall did not make them happier or healthier. Here are some of the lyrics from an old song “The Best Things in Life Are Free:”
                                    The moon belongs to everyone
                                    The best things in life are free
                                    The stars belong to everyone
                                    They gleam there for you and for me
                                    The flowers in spring, the robins that sing
                                    The moonbeams that shine
                                    They're yours, they're mine
                                    And love can come to everyone
                                    The best things in life are free
It is good sense to remember the fact that these gifts are free. They do not require knowing someone’s size. They do not need to be assembled before giving. And best of all, they only take up space in your heart. You ask, “What would my favorite gifts be?” Your friendship and smile are enough for me.

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