the bistro off broadway

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Another year... another fair
By George Starks

GREENVILLE-With the final puff of smoke belching from a car, the annual demolition brought down the curtain on the 163rd Darke County Fair.

The vendors are gone and the food is no longer there. Only the squirrels will benefit from the food on the grounds for the winter.

It's always a little bit sad when the fair ends because fall and winter is on the horizon. I hate winter. I hate the cold. But as they say, all good things must come to an end and for me that is the warmer months.

Now, back to the fair and my future there.

Now that the website is more about empowering kids and not so much on the sports aspect of the fair, next year I will find myself more in the barns doing 4-H stories.

Granted, I will have features from the pulls and the Gene Riegle Memorial but I won't be in front of the grandstands everyday. I will still be there to help Bob Robinson with the cheer competition but then again,  that is about our youth.

The greatest county fair in America, Darke County will hold many memories and this year is no exception.

As many of you may have noted, there was a new kid on the block covering 4-H events this year. I gave a lot of attention to her, helping her in every aspect that I possibly could.

So if you are a reader of this website and you noticed a new name then you know who I'm referring to. She has done a fantastic job for her first go around and has already expressed a interest in continuing to write.

I hope she follows through. CNO could only be so lucky to have her talents.

So next year, if you see me in one of the barns, say hi. I always like talking to people. You never know. You might be the subject of one of my columns.

senior scribes
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