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Along Life’s Way
Being a Grandparent
By Lois E. Wilson
I watch a show on EWTN called “Grandparents.” It is hosted by Father James Mallon and features young people who relate their experiences with their grandparents and how they influenced their lives and faith. In the Bible the reference to a “grandparent” is 2 Timothy 1:5 (TNIV). Paul writes to Timothy: “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded now lives in you also.”
Sometime in the course of your life you may become a grandparent. It’s a rewarding experience. A benefit of being one is that it helps you remember your grandparents and the good times you had with them.
My paternal grandmother was a little woman who barely came to my shoulder. She in particular taught me modesty. My paternal grandfather let me help with his chickens. It took me some time until I was brave enough to reach under the hens and gather the freshly laid eggs.
My maternal grandparents had ten children who survived into adulthood. They did not have indoor plumbing. The water they used came from a neighbor’s well. They carried it by the bucketful across the road to use for cooking, baking, and to water their garden. My grandfather was a stone mason. Grandma was a wonderful cook. One time when she was complimented on her delicious pie recipe, she humbly said, “Oh it’s nothing—I made it out of the newspaper!” We never let her forget her “newspaper” pie.
We have five grandchildren. When they were young and visited us, we kept them busy with excursions to museums, craft projects, and outdoor activities such as basketball, the park, and planting “baby plants” in the flower beds. Currently, there are fifteen great grandchildren. It is difficult to keep up with their ages and activities.
In today’s world, there are many single-parent families. At times, Grandparents have stepped in to help by being the missing person in the family—the father, mother, or both. My experiences as a grandparent have taught me the following in regard to grandchildren:
            Be their cheerleaders to encourage and inspire them to reach their goals.
            Don’t let them pit you against their parents on any issue; don’t meddle.
            Give them recognition for their achievements.
            Give them lots of love, hugs, and kisses.
            Enjoy them every moment you are with them; rest up after they leave.
            Always be there for them; share your family’s history and faith with them.
And give thanks for the blessings of having them; remember each one is truly a gift from God!

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