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Along Life’s Way
Tunnel Vision
By Lois E. Wilson
Tunnel vision is defined as “a single minded concentration on one thing.” It is often perceived as a negative trait. However, it could be viewed as a positive attribute if you consider it being the ability to focus on a goal one wishes to achieve.
The end of January, President Trump issued a travel ban related to the coronavirus for people who had recently traveled to China. His ban created criticism from opponents who called his action bigoted and xenophobic.
At the time, some thought it an example of Chicken Little syndrome or as in the Aesop fable he was bored trying to get attention by crying “wolf.”
In recent weeks the emphasis of the world has been on COVID-19. The topic and statistics about it have taken over most of the newscasts and print media, put restrictions on what businesses can remain open, closed schools, eliminated many current sports activities, told us where we are permitted to go, and what we should wear. Our tunnel vision indicates that it is a serious enough danger to human life that we must not ignore it—we must focus on it.
I am old enough to have lived through part or all of the terms of 15 presidents. I was a small child when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. At school, there were drills at which we got down under our desks and covered our heads. It was to prepare us for enemy air attacks. We had fear of the unknown.
We are fighting the unknown again as we try to discover how to treat and eradicate the COVID-19 invader.  The experts give us advice to physically distance ourselves from others, to sanitize surfaces, to shield our coughs and sneezes, to wear masks, to help the elderly, to stay home unless we have an essential errand or job.
Psalm 103: 2-4 states: “Bless the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.”(TNIV)
The people of the world are working together and are focused with tunnel vision on this medical challenge to the health of humanity. Some say they see the light at the end of the tunnel; the wise temper the joy of each positive achievement knowing that they are still in the tunnel.
We hope and pray that if at this point there is no light at the tunnel’s end, there will be those who go forth to turn on the light or be the saviors who become the light. We all have faith in their mission. May God guide and bless us with His healing power.

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