county news online
Poetry for Simple Enjoyment
By Hope Louise Edwards Wills
Series Four

By Hope Louise Edwards Wills

Harry Hound was quite pleased to see
Everyone gathering with smiles full of glee.
Henrietta Hen was overjoyed that she
Had gotten the girls on a “cleaning spree”.
The henhouse looked wonderful you see
All decked out with berries and greenery.
Clara Cow had a new red bell
And a red ribbon on her tail as well.
Pom (the pup) was wearing a new green sweater and tiny green shoes.
Which he really, really wanted to lose
Before his friends all had a laugh or two
As they so often liked to do.
Thomas Turkey looked at Pom and said,
“Don’t you cry.”
You will be the only one tonight whose feet will be dry.
Along came Gary Goat sporting (on one of his horns) a Santa hat.
Only Gary would think of that.
Paula Pig said with a smile,
“Well Santa I didn’t expect to see you for a while.”
“It’s me, Gary,” said he as his head began to itch.
Maybe he shouldn’t have picked the hat out of the ditch.
Harry Hound said to Gussy Goose, “Gussy, will you join us tonight and sing?”
Gussy hissed, “Now why should I do such a thing?
I would rather break a wing.
I won’t join this lousy group and sing!”
Pour Gussy, thought Harry, she has no Christmas spirit at all.
Around herself she had built a wall.
Harry’s hope was that someday she
Would happily join the farm family.
But soon the animals would gather at the farmhouse window and sing
And all their voices united would ring
For those wonderful folks inside
And everyone far and wide.


By Hope Louise Edwards Wills

Harry Hound couldn’t believe
It was almost Christmas Eve.
Oh, the stories he could tell
Of the friends he loved so well.
He could remember when Henrietta Hen came to stay.
She was going to make the other hens pay.
But Henrietta did have a good heart
And she was also very smart.
Now the “girls” were kept in line
And they all got along just fine.
Gary Goat had a one track mind;
To eat all the trash he could find.
Harry just liked to sit
And have a good laugh at Gary’s wit.
The trash can to Gary was a pot of gold
Although that gold might be covered with mold.
To each his own, was Harry’s thought.
A good meal was what Gary sought.
Then there was Paula Pig.
Harry loved to watch her dance a jig.
She was such a happy swine
And he had never heard her whine
About all the biscuits and stew that she made
Or all the table settings she laid.
Every day of the year
“I’m hungry” were the words she loved to hear.
He also enjoyed watching Thomas Turkey and Pom (the pup) on the hill.
They would race up and down till they had their fill.
Tom still hoped to win some day
So he would keep trying come what may.
Yes it was almost Christmas and Harry’s favorite thing
Was Christmas Eve and he and his friends would sing-----
Silent Night


By Hope Louise Edwards Wills

It was a snowy Valentine’s Day.
Everyone longed for the month of May.
Fannie Farmer had given the pup (Pom) an old straw hat.
Said Pom, “I think Paula Pig would look good in that!”
“Yes,” said Harry Hound, “I have a red kerchief you can put on it.
That should make a real hit.”
Henrietta Hen said, “My girls have lost these feathers of white.
That should decorate the hat just right.”
Gary Goat said, “Here is a piece of tissue paper I found.”
“The hearts on it are very nice,” said Harry Hound.
So the hat was decorated, wrapped and tied with a bow.
And Paula, she would love it so.
Together they went to Paula’s sty and they did say,
“This is for you, Paula HAPPY VALENTINES DAY”
Paula loved the hat but said, “What did I do?”
Everyone said, “It’s a thank you for your biscuits and your stew.”


By Hope Louise Edwards Wills

The farm was buried in pristine white.
It had been snowing all through the night.
Harry Hound thought, “My oh my! All this snow and more to come.
That makes my old bones feel so numb.”
But Harry was out to check on everyone
And he wouldn’t quit until he was done.
Peeking out of the hen house door was Henrietta Hen.
Harry said, “Henrietta, I’ve not seen this much snow in I don’t know when.
Will you and your girls be alright?”
“Yes Harry, the girls and I will be cleaning today. I’ll be loud but I won’t bite.”
Harry walked on and found Paula Pig stirring a big pot of stew.
Paula said, “Come here Harry and eat a bite or two.
You must stay warm if you’re out in this snow.
We can’t have you getting sick you know.”
As Harry continued to eat his stew,
Here came Gary Goat who was frustrated through and through.
The trash was all frozen and covered with snow, so poor Gary was filled with woe.
“Gary,” said Paula, “you are welcome to eat here, you know.”
But Gary said, “No, no, no. Stew is not rice, beans or cake
Like the farmer’s wife would make.”
Harry Hound said, “Gary, you must apologize to Paula for what you said.
Think of everyone Paula has fed.”
“I’m sorry, Paula,” said Gary, “your stew is good but trash is what I need
Wonderful trash, yes indeed.”
So Harry walked on, other animals to see
And the farmyard was in his thoughts as it should be.


By Hope Louise Edwards Wills

Winter has come to the farm for sure.
Fall was now a pleasant blur
Of work and play now gone by.
“It’s snowing again Harry Hound,” Henrietta Hen said with a sigh.
“Yes it is, Henrietta, but still
I can’t get enough of watching Pom slide down that hill.
That pup sure knows how to play.”
Said Henrietta, “Well, he sure gets enough practice every day.”
“And it has been so cold,” said Harry Hound.
“It bothers my old bones, I have found.”
Said Henrietta, “Oh Harry, I feel so bad for you
If you go lame, what would we do?”
“Don’t worry Henrietta, I’ll be fine when the weather breaks
And with a few of those biscuits that Paula Pig makes.”
Said Henrietta, “Well, you just go over and Paula will give you a few.
And a big warming bowl of her veggie stew.
She has that pot bubblin’ every day
But then you know that’s Paula’s way.
Gary Goat has even begun to eat Paula’s biscuits and stew.
The leftovers in the trash were frozen through and through.”
Yes winter was certainly in full swing
And everyone (except maybe Pom) was looking forward to spring.


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