
Musings of a Senior Scribe
An Old Dog and An Old Leather Jacket
By Mona Lease 

Hi, all!! Didja ever have one of those days when everything just "fell into place?" Sat. 9/15 saw me dealing with my 6 year old Lab. In, out, up, down, and all around. Sigh, yip, arf, and sad, googly eyes. I'm not much better. 

I bought a Harley leather jacket a long time ago. I had thoughts of "breaking it in" with a first time wearing on a Harley - say maybe Signature Series. That didn't happen either. 

Then I remembered the Burn Dog Poker Run at Tailgater's. CLICK!! I grabbed the jacket (replete with silver Harley emblem studs), my purse & the dog, and we were on our way. I giggled all the way. Get it? Burn Dog Run - My Dog? I got to Tailgater's in time to see them send out the first 25 bikes. I had prior engagements so I flashed the peace sign and left. 

All went well and I arrived back at Tailgater's in time to identify Eric Hanes, grab a chair and settle in for the Burnoff Contest. Thanks to the guy with the Rainbow Hang Glider. He hovered over the burnouts a short time. It looked good; white smoke wafting upward illuminated by the street and security lights to a rainbow softly glowing with it's own light. 

The Burn Dog started with a Run for the family of Louis Wimbley, Jr. He was killed in a cycle accident. 

Word reached the Wimbley's that Eric Hanes had a need. His daughter Haylee has an inoperable tumor behind her eye. This causes the eye to protrude from it's original position. She receives radiation treatments in Cincinnati. She is enrolled in our Greenville City School system - 8th grade, I believe. She put in an appearance and judged the Bike Contest - appearance, etc. Sorry I missed you, Haylee! 

I understand that Tailgater's wanted to do their part and had J.P. Cornett "set up shop" at the Run. He is from Camden - Eaton, Ohio area. He has done custom pin-striping and spray-painting for the last 12 years. I watched him do the last half of a woman's cream-colored Harley. I spoke with his parents; they hail from Texas. J.P. is open to all ideas. You can reach him at 513-432-2590. 

The finish to the evening was a band called Grove Hill. It did not register in my mind until Jonah came up to me. Of course he looked familiar but, I could not recall a name. I stayed for the first set. They are a very good band - old music, jokes, and good interaction with the crowd. I had only heard them practice from a girlfriend's house. 

From Haylee and her parents, Eric & Ronda - "We are so blessed to live in Darke Co. The response to our need has been incredible. Thank you all so much very much." 

From Darke Co. - "You are most welcome. We are glad to be able to help you." 

From those that pray - "Travelling mercies to you. May the vehicle respond well and every trip find you so much closer to the healing." 

From those that wish you well - "May the road rise up to meet you. May the sun shine warmly on your face and the wind always be at your back. 

The run was a huge success. In last week's column I asked - "What could we do if we put our hearts and minds together?" This 5th Annual Burn Dog Poker Run was my answer. 

That night, as I laid tucked under my "blankie", sifting through all I had witnessed, my last thought before sleep was - "It is good and proper for us to lay aside our differences, creeds, & religions, and come together in unity to help someone in need. 

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Be safe and healthy. Remember the furry and feathered ones out there. 

Ever Toodles!! MONA



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