the bistro off broadway

Introducing Billy
Henry’s Injury
By Delbert Blickenstaff 

Our family seems to be having a lot of trouble recently. Grandpa has recovered from his heart surgery and is helping me write my stories. He tells me how to spell the big words. 

The latest problem happened when Henry and I were practicing baseball. Henry has learned how to hit fly balls by tossing them up and swinging his bat. Sometimes I can even catch the fly balls. 

But I can’t hit like Henry does so I use the tee. The other day I was lucky and hit a fly ball which Henry tried to catch. We were in our back yard and Henry fell down. I think he stumbled over a tree root. 

Anyway when he got up he started crying because his right arm hurt. Henry doesn’t cry very often so it must have really hurt him. I ran in and told Mom that Henry hurt his arm. She called Dad and he told her to take Henry to the Emergency Room. 

Emily and I stayed with Grandpa and Grandma while Mom took Henry to the ER. Dad met them there and told me afterward what happened. Dad ordered an X-ray of Henry’s wrist and when the picture showed that the bone was broken Dad called in a bone doctor. I can’t pronounce the word but Grandpa told me how to spell it: orthopedist. 

Dad said that the bone had to be set. That means lined up straight and then a cast had to be put on Henry’s arm. Setting the fracture (another new word) can be very painful so Henry was put to sleep. Dad said that the doctor did a good job and Henry’s arm should be a good as new after the bone heals. 

It’s been two weeks since this happened and Henry has to wear his cast for 4 more weeks. That’s a long time. We’re having fun writing our names and drawing pictures on the cast. Henry doesn’t mind because his arm doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m glad. 


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