senior scribes

By Mona Lease

Hi, all! I had an unprecedented response - all positive - to last week's column. so - I dug a little deeper. Someone asked about the "Am I my brother's keeper" comment. In that comment's context - I Googled this - Genesis 4:9 of the Bible - (It's a Wesley Snipes movie, too!) Cain had killed Abel (his brother) over the fact that the Lord had looked favorably on Abel's sacrifice and not his (Cain's) - I guess there is always going to be someone who likes what your family does more than what you do. Genesis 4:6 says Cain takes Abel out into a field and kills him. Genesis 4:8 says the Lord inquires as to Abel's whereabouts and Genesis 4:9 gives the "Am I my brother's keeper" from Cain. Cain asks that to get out of trouble - out of being responsible for the disappearance of Abel - his brother.

"Keeper" is defined as - "a person who manages or looks after something or someone." Synonyms are - guardian, custodian, curator, administrator, steward and caretaker. In last week's column we looked at emotional health, spiritual health, and physical health. We are created to be with others on these levels - most animals's what gives us the ability to call a friend and "vent" our feelings. The real give & take here is that both parties know that the "venting" will go no farther - not turn into grist for the "gossip mill." It is a way to release the feeling or tension to maintain emotional health. It is supremely important in most is there because the man and woman take the "keeper" role seriously. If you are not emotionally well - you will not be at your physical best or may even become sick. For some reason I can not fully explain - most people want the emotional connection; as well as the physical one.  Maybe the emotional connection is "proof" that we are more than a physical attraction...maybe in this world of me, me, me; we need to know that we are more than a room mate, etc - to the one to whom we are married. (This is actually an awesome responsibility!!). Maybe it is a way of feeling safe - like when we sat around Dad and Mom's dinner table growing up and you discussed your day - at work, school, at home, etc. Maybe in the light of Dad telling how the Boss yelled at everyone all day - that did not look so bad next to your D on the spelling test - that you knew your deserved. Or maybe we want to feel that we are worth more than a card, flowers, etc. Maybe - deep down - we know that the stuff money can buy - all the proofs that we have "made it" - will eventually rust or rot - or be replaced by some "new - improved" gidget or gadget...which means the mountain to "making it got higher. But emotional health never goes out of style - it shows on the face of the person that drives the '89 Dodge - 18 mpg and all!

And, I thought this reader's comment did not belong in this column. But, maybe it does. I spoke with a woman who has a companion dog - registered and all. She had the dog put through a school to teach him to be polite and mind his manners. His job is to be her companion - go where she goes - Drs., shopping, etc. He sees to her emotional health. His nails are trimmed and he is groomed and bathed. In the way we would ask if we looked good to our mate - she asks him. They have their own "love language"..a small arf here or a soft woof there are his answers. As a word of caution - these are all service animals - for the blind, for the people who cannot pick up a fallen object - for those who have extra love to give - the companion dog - do not go up and try to pet the dogs - they are working...ask the owner first. All the dog really cares about is his owner - after all - she is the one who gives him his home, his food, love, protection, etc. If we were all like the service dogs - what would life be like?

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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