senior scribes

"Fight the Good Fight"
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! I've heard the phrase "Fight the Good Fight." And I started wondering - what is the "good fight" - exactly? I do not believe it is a physical fight. But - is this fight about our lives - you know - laws and rules like - everyone having to buy health insurance...that does not cover much - that we need to violate our constitution - our rights and beliefs - that we have to provide health insurance (anti-abortion meds, etc.) for our employees (insurance in which we do not believe!)? Why are so few people disgusted enough with this stuff to say something?

And the thought went through my mind - "Are we spending our energy fighting neighbors and arguing over gossip - "my friend would not lie"..well, my buddy would not cheat?" How much time and money has been spent fighting traffic cameras? That one goes in a circle - by the way...not enough money to pay officers...put in cameras to handle the intersections....if the cameras are declared "unconstitutional" - we are back to not enough money to pay the officers to be everywhere at once. Also - it's a rule we should accept and obey. Are we "battle-scarred from these "skirmishes" - if you will? Have we spent our lives doing the above things...has it taken a toll on our emotions and depleted our physical bodies? Is it why I hear people say they do not care what "they" do - "they" meaning the lawmakers and those officers/elected officials who uphold the laws?

Have the kiddies watched this? Have they accepted the "I don't care what they do" stance?  Somewhere I heard a man say there was a time to speak and a time to keep silent. I have been reading people's names in the paper - people I never thought would fool with heroin...adults...who would never "run the needle"..would not risk a blood clot or a disease.

I wonder - what "drives" them to do it? I can't help looking past what is "obvious" to me - a druggie. They get the money to buy the drugs...they go out somewhere to meet the "connection." No one stays in their house always. You have to go out to get food and other necessities. People are "getting together for a cause" in that situation. To me - it's a masquerade. Every one knows right from wrong - what's illegal and what's not illegal. So; I think the next question is - "With banks paying two or three cents on the dollar on savings accounts and bank cds not far from that, meltdown of our money coins was $0.028 with paper money close to that, the government telling us that we have to buy health insurance, etc...when would be a good time for us to make some "connections" and take back our rights? I am not trying to be a rabble-rouser or stir up trouble. But - seriously...some "someones" stood together to take away these things.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!! MONA

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