senior scribes

Fertile Gardens
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! This one has been in my head for too long. As I was waiting outside of WalMart for my ride, I heard as young woman tell the two little girls with whom she was walking, that they were right - we do not talk to strangers. The whole "stranger/danger" thing went through my mind. Which brings me to the following:

We tell, talk, preach and restate - stranger/danger, say no to crack (complete with the rear view picture of the man with his pants sagging), alcohol is a drug, don't take candy/gifts from strangers, etc.

We tell college women not to walk alone on the campus at night (The colleges even provide escort services.), all women should not walk alone anywhere at night, etc. We tell women not to take or go home with men from bars, nightclubs, concerts, etc. We tell women not to waste their life - get a good job or start a career.

I recently donated some office furniture to an organization that speaks with young women about pregnancy, administers pregnancy tests, and gives cribs & such to expectant Mommies. I told the woman to tell these young girls with whom she will be speaking, that the donor of the furniture said for the girls to keep their eyes and ears open and all else shut. She looked at me like I had three heads and said she could not do that. WHAT?!

As a people - as a society of supposed "free-thinkers" with a new and improved way - I do not get it. I have read that the "needle exchange programs" and the "free needle programs" are handing out literature about stopping the drug use - do not even start using drugs - any drugs. But you can't tell a girl not to have sex?? How does it come to be that drugs, alcohol, stranger/danger, don't take gifts/candy/free rides, don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal, pay your taxes, pick a political party to vote, be a man and pay your child support are ok to vehemently state, but - sex is ok?? I've seen the signs and I believe we need a change fast.

I cite the Webber case (in Darke County) - Scott and his wife Lauren Jones. Skipping the "I knew it was wrong/he told me to do it"  - I'll move to my point. You have two young people - kiddies really - and a baby now deceased. It is said that the Dad was going to school. I've not heard if he worked, also. I read in the Daily Advocate that he was denied parole or some leave that would allow him to go to live with his wife (Lauren) in Celina. Assuming this is true - it strengthens my point.

See -  the baby was a complicating factor. If Mr. Webber was going to go to live with his wife upon his release - he/they still wanted to be together. The baby was a complicating factor. And - they probably really loved the baby. But the timing was bad. Doesn't anyone tell these gals that babies cry, they get sick, they do not sleep when you want/need them to sleep? I listened to a young woman tell a co-worker that she had to miss work that day because her baby-sitter called in sick. (See - that happens, too!). The Mommie hoped she did not get fired over this. I've listened to other such stories from young Mommies with babies. So - when might be a good time - an "appropriate time"  an "allowable time" - to tell these young girls to "just say no" to sex? Sorry gals - we have the capacity to bear life - shouldn't we be more concerned about what "seeds" we let get planted in our garden? After all - it's our garden and we will get to take care of what sprouts.

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!    MONA

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