the bistro off broadway


Mind, Body, Soul
50 and 13
By Mona Lease

Greetings, Gals!! The weather is warmer now - and rainy. It's a good year for mushrooms. If you go "'shroomin'" sure you know what you're doing. Not all mushroom are edible. Keep reaching and stretching! A lot of us have been going through some troubling times. It will pass. It just doesn't look like it at the moment.
13 Amazing Things You Can Do With A Can Of Cooking Spray - Jillee - Bright Ideas
Silence Squeaks: Any oil helps silence squeaks. Not all oil comes in a spray can. Spray the squeaky area and enjoy the silence.

Remove Bugs: For the bugs that get splattered on the front of your car, spray a bit of oil on the stubborn bugs, wait a few seconds, and wipe clean with a microfiber cloth.

Loosen Locks: Sometimes locks get stiff and hard to turn. Coat the key to the lock with cooking spray and use the key to lock or unlock the door.

Make Popcorn: Instead of buying special popcorn oil, use cooking spray. It is much easier to get an even coat of oil on the kernels, which is a key to a perfect popped corn.

Prevent Stains: Coat the inside of the storage container you will use for leftovers that will stain.

Go Fish: A light coating of spray on your fishing line can help you cast farther and keep the line from getting snagged on itself...which creates less resistance.

Grating Cheese: Before you grate cheese, coat the inside and outside with a bit of cooking spray. Cheese slices easier with fewer clumps and easier clean-up.

Shoveling Snow: Spray both sides of your shovel with cooking spray. It helps your shovel slice through snow and ice. 

Paint Your Nails: After painting your nails, spray with cooking oil. It helps set the polish, make it dry faster, and moisturize your cuticles.

Clean Soap Scum: Cooking oil can break down mineral deposits and soap scum in your shower or tub.

Shape Patties: Spraying your hands with oil before you shape patties will keep the hamburger from sticking to your hands.

Measure Sticky Liquids: Honey, molasses, etc will not stick to the measuring cup when you coat the cup with cooking oil.

Slicing and Dicing: Coating your knife with oil before you slice foods will keep them from sticking to the knife.

50 Worst Foods For Weight Loss - Eat This, Not That
Potato Chips: They often have dangerous levels of salt. This is the worst offender to your diet.

French Fries: They have an additional 3.35 pounds of weight gain a year. Potatos increase levels of blood sugar.

Fatty Red Meat: Avoid cuts of visibly fatty red meat if you want to lose some abdominal fat and remain healthier.

Processed Meats: Eating bacon, hotdogs, and sausage may be putting your life at risk. These foods are associated with increased risk of diabetes, cancer, and hypertension.

Restaurant Desserts: These are high in salt, sugar, calories, and fat. They come at the end of a you're already over the top with calories and such.

Alcohol: Overdoing the alcohol dampens our weight loss goals and tricks your body into eating more as well.
Sugary Refined Cereals: These do nothing to keep you healthy or shrink your waistline.

Sugar Sweetened Beverages Like Soda: Many are laced with high fructose corn syrup. This can cause as much weight gain as regular table sugar.

Diet Soda: Low calorie doesn't always mean low sugar. Artificial sweeteners are linked to excessive, long term weight gain.

White Bread: Eating highly refined, white bread should be avoided at all costs if you want to lose belly fat.

Chocolate Bars: Dark chocolate has a whole host of benefits that aid in weight loss. Milk chocolate is the bad one.

Pretzels: Salt is a big culprit in you not losing weight. Salt confuses the biological processes that tell you when you're full.

Canned Soup: Cream-based soups are higher in calories and fat. They sneak in salt and cause belly bloat.

Pancake Syrups: Brands like Aunt Jemima and Mrs. Butterworth's have two ingredients you always want to avoid...high fructose corn syrup and caramel coloring. Stick with 100% pure maple syrup in moderation.

Juice: The process used to make the juice strips the fiber from the sugary liquid. Stick with water for hydration and thirst while eating the fruit.

Granola Bars: They are often made of sugar and hydrogenated oils while being void of protein.

Muffins: A typical blueberry muffin has 400 calories and a third of the day's fat. Commercial muffins are spiked with soybean oil and trans fat...which increase your risk of heart disease.

Bagels and Croissants: Containing white sugar and flour, they have barely any fiber or nutrients.

Doughnuts: These are almost completely sugar. They break down into simple sugar causing the body to release more insulin.

Drive-Thru Fast Foods: These are filled with preservatives, trans-fats, high fructose corn syrup, and salt. Preservatives and trans-fats interrupt the stomach's ability to communicate with the brain...therefore the brain loses the ability to recognize when you are full.

Refined Sugar: This is a major contributor to belly fat.

Bottled Smoothies: Many have a high content of sugar, some as much as 52 grams...which equals 13 teaspoons of sugar.

Dried Fruit: Most are sweetened with sugar and contain 16 grams of sugar per ounce...that equals 4 teaspoons per ounce.

Refined Pasta: This heads straight for your waistline. Your body processes it like any other sugar.

Beer: It has a high calorie content.

Large Coffee Drinks: Most frozen coffee drinks are your waistline's worst enemy...containing dairy and sugar.

Cookies: Most are filled with palm oil, a fat that promotes fat-causing inflammation. They're said to be more addicting than cocaine or morphine.

Soybean Oil: Most, corn, sunflower, palm oil...are not much better than another. These vegetable oils contain high concentrations of inflammatory fat. Omega-3 is an anti-inflammatory.

Burgers: Saturated fats trigger white adipose tissue (fat tissue) inflammation. White tissue is the type of fat that stores energy rather than burns it. Brown fat cells burn energy.

Pizza: High in calories, saturated fat, sodium, and refined carbohydrates...all of which increase belly fat...these contribute to inflammation and stifle weight loss efforts.

Conventional Beef: Go for antibiotic free and grass-fed is best. Many feeds for farm-raised cows have hormones and antibiotics that can be harmful to your health.

Restaurant Food With Trans-fats: Trans-fats cause inflammation leading to insulin resistance and impairing the body's ability to use glucose (sugar) properly.

Deli Meals: Loaded with sodium and chemicals that have been linked to obesity and chronic disease...they are on the "don't eat for weight loss" list.

Bottled Tea: Tea contains antioxidants, catechins, and polyphenols which boost metabolism, block the formation of new fat cells, fend off disease, and minimize cell damage. Not all teas are created equal. Read the label.

Granola: Some kinds are loaded with fat and sugar. Read the label.

Pancakes and Waffles: These are largely low-nutrient and not enough eggs or milk, which makes for empty calories and...weight gain.

Fried Chicken: Deep fried foods have a high level of inflammatory advanced glycation...compounds that form when products are cooked at high temperatures. When you cut these out,.. inflammation diminishes.

Cinnamon Rolls: Considered the worst, cinnamon rolls are high calorie, high sugar, and high carb.

Pie: Lattices and crumb tops are the most potent sources of trans-fats in the American diet. They are bad for your heart and waistline.

Ice Cream: It needs to have 10% milk fat to even be called ice cream. High in sugar, fat, and calories, they make this a once-in-a-blue-moon treat.

Traditional Yogurt: It's loaded with sugar and devoid of what you need to lose weight. Opt for Greek yogurt.

Artificial Sweeteners: They lead to big weight gain. Large amounts of artificial sweeteners have been linked to type 2 diabetes.

Crackers: Buttery, flour-based crackers won't help you lose your waistline. Use whole grain, flax crackers.

Cream Cheese: High in calories, fat, and saturated fat...leave this off your diet to lose weight.

Barbecue Sauce: High in calories, sugar, and carbs...pass on this if you want to lose weight.

Onion Rings: Some say these are worse than French fries. Onion rings have more calories, saturated fat, sugar, and less potassium.

Tortilla Chips: They're not necessarily bad, they just don't offer many nutrients.

Energy Drinks: Containing more caffeine than coffee and loaded with sugar...boost energy with black coffee, tea, or a homemade smoothie for your diet needs.

Coffee Creamers; They pack empty calories. Opt for black coffee.

Jam: It is usually fruit simmered in sugar. Add sliced fruit instead;

"Sometimes all you need is for someone to just be there, even if they can't solve your problems. Just knowing there is someone who cares can make all the difference." -

The best is yet to be!!     MONA

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