the bistro off broadway


By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! This column expands on the Mind,Body,Soul Column of 8/14/2019 - "Through the Years."  I've heard these people exist. I've read about such people. I'm to understand that these people can not and will not be swayed from their set of beliefs...not for notoriety...not for fashion...not to be part of the "in" crowd...not for any one or any thing - ever.

I went to a friend's funeral for her husband. They had been married 55 years! They made their marriage work from 1964 to 2019. In that time they said "no" to the following:

Birth Control Pills: We will find another way. We will be responsible for our actions even though we are married. And we will teach our children the same.

The Bikini: I will wear something more modest that befits a married woman. My daughters...married or unmarried will be taught the same.

Light Beer: We said "no" to the alcohol at large. It is a door to trouble that we did not want to open.

Credit Cards: We will plan together and pay cash for our purchases or save for them.

Online Shopping: If we can not go to the store to see that which we want to purchase - we will not buy it.

Automated Teller Machines: We will go to the bank when it is open.
We make this a part of our spending and saving plan.

Synthetic Diamonds (excess jewelry): We wear the jewelry we have and do not have a need for more.

Divorce: We honor our marriage vows and the love that brought about those vows. We will work out our differences and troubles they come to us.

Pornography: We will not view this material or anything close to it. We are bonded through marriage to be each other's "love touch."

Cigarettes (and other smokeable material): We do not ingest harmful substances and consider cigarettes to be wrongly advertised. Not all of the ingredients are listed on the pack of cigarettes.

Clothing: I dress like a woman (no slacks or jeans) because I am a woman. Spandex is not something I wore or wear. I do not put myself on display to the world.

Dancing: We slow dance as a couple. We did not twist or contort ourselves. It draws unneeded attention.

Hair Color/Permanents: I left my hair to it's own "mind." If it went gray - it went gray. I used no permanents.

Tanning Salons/Sunbathing: I did neither. There really was no reason. I was happy the way I was.

Make-Up: I did not use or buy make-up of any kind. It was not a needful thing.

Music (radio, cassette/8 track tapes, records): We monitored that to which we listened.

Home: We bought what we could afford and maintain...not what someone else thought we should have.

Dieting: We ate good food and did our own work...pulling weeds, no riding lawn mower, etc. There was no real need to "count calories" as we did enough work to burn off any excess.

Child Rearing: We set limits for our children and enforced them. We did not buy into the "our child is expressing him/her self fad of child rearing. We loved them and applied pressure to their back side as the situation warranted. Not every situation warrants this.

These examples could go on for longer than I have space. Not just from the above but from watching some kiddies being raised to local current events:

"If you do not tell the kiddies (sometimes repeatedly) what is expected of them and what is not allowable can you expect these kiddies-turned-young-adults to make any decisions you would have them make???"

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!     MONA

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