the bistro off broadway


Extra Mileage
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! The following is a true story. It's a true story circulating among what's left of the 85 year olds who went to a one-room school in Darke County. I'm submitting this to you readers because I personally know college graduates - who hold a degree - that reside in Darke County. Of these - half are working at a job that does not require a degree. Consider the following.

It seems that here in Darke County - back in 1945 - Miss Rose had her students - all 8 grades - listen to the radio one morning for first period. It was Roosevelt's fourth election to be our US President.

Franklin D. Roosevelt rose above personal and political challenges to emerge as one of the USA's most revered and influential presidents. (Wikipedia). Miss Rose reportedly said, "This will be in the history books."  Now begins the real story.

Miss Rose taught all 8 grades. There was no kindergarten. The older kiddies helped the younger kiddies. No matter what happened - no matter how many methods were tried - Linus just was not going to "get it." He was not going to "get" math... not history... not science... not health... not reading... not writing. The child before her was as good as he was going to get. What to do?

Miss Rose was a teacher. She loved teaching. She loved helping to mold children into "free-thinking"..."free-standing" adults. But what do you do with one who just will not "mold?" How far do you go? How far are you required to go? How far do you go "morally" speaking? "Morally" and "legally" do not always agree. (I'm guessing that Miss Rose took a deep breath here).

The locals here say Miss Rose worked all 8 years with Linus herself. They practiced. They drilled. And they practiced and drilled some more. Slowly - it started to hit "pay dirt."

The day finally came. Linus graduated knowing how to sign his name and how to do math - adding... subtracting. Multiplying ...dividing.

Why? Miss Rose has been reported as saying, "At least he will be able to get a job. He can sign his paycheck. No one will be able to cheat him out of his money.

The local lore here (in Darke County) says Linus found a girl. They were married and had a couple of kiddies. Linus found someone who stood beside him in life and looked past what he could not do.

With the state of Indiana saying they are nixing their required cursive writing - and other states sure to follow this example - what do you do? How would you "sign" a paycheck... or any other legal document?

In this day and age - what do you do with those that can't learn - that don't "get it?"

Was this "forward-thinking" Miss Rose ahead of her time? Ahead of what was required of a licensed teacher?

Or - are we - as a people - behind the time? Are we behind the time of "going the extra mile" to help a kiddie who might help shape humanity? Or "going the extra mile" to help shape a kiddie who might be an example or an inspiration to others?......

Maybe "going the extra mile" to shape a kiddie who can say, "Anything is possible if you have someone who believes in you and is willing to "go the extra mile."

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!     MONA

senior scribes
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