the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Free Stuff? Wow!
By Lois E. Wilson
If one listens to many of the 2020 presidential candidates, they all seem to be trying to outdo each other by offering free stuff to U.S. voters. They promise such things as free college, a guaranteed base salary, government healthcare for all, no deportation of illegal immigrants, free entry and healthcare for them.
The cost of these promises is never addressed. One wonders what will be their next proposal. Does it make you want to get ready to load up your vehicle with their freebies? Or maybe they will deliver them to our doors.
Remember, the government doesn’t work and earn money by labor like you do. It can print money, but you earn it. The government can decide how much it will tax your money and how the money will be spent. Once it has it—you no longer have any direct choices about the matter. That tax decrease many of us received last year can disappear in a second, and a tax increase can be put in its place.
To help pay for the freebies, they want to tax those “evil” (as they call them) corporations more heavily. And where do they get their money? They get it from us who buy their products and services. The cost of these goes up if the corporations have less earnings and profits because of more taxes. There is less corporate money for companies to expand and hire more employees, less with which to do research and development. The economy slows for all of us.
They want to tax the “greedy wealthy” more also, perhaps over 70% of their incomes. This will decrease the amount of their money to invest in private entities. The government will choose to put these dollars elsewhere—where the politicians want.
The “death tax” is likely to be back for a bigger bite. Survivors will have less to meet expenses. The government will spend it for its programs instead. Do you believe it will spend your hard-earned and saved dollars more wisely than you or your family will?
Remember, freebies are not free. The freedoms we have were not free. They were paid for by those who fought for them—our military, the founding fathers, those of our country who came before and cherished them and protected them. Do not let others erode them; don’t be seduced by their free stuff.
The last letters of “American” are “I can.” It is a positive motto to remember in 2020. "With my freedoms... I can."

senior scribes
County News Online

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