the bistro off broadway


Along Life’s Way
Aging: Benefits and Blessings
© 2019 Lois E. Wilson

In 2007 it must have been a “down day” when I wrote these lines:
     First a crinkle,
     Then a wrinkle,
     Then lots and lots of creases.
     At an age
     There's a stage,
     One slowly goes to pieces:
     Earpieces, eyepieces, hairpieces…
I’ve been fortunate to live a few years since then and have come to realize that aging does have some benefits. For example:
When we say, “I can’t remember, I’m having a senior moment,” it’s true!
There are decades of fashion fads in our closets. Therefore, we do not need to go out and shop every time one returns as a retro style. We are prepared and search through our inventory. That hairdo I’ve had most of my life may one day be born again too.
My children are retirement age and now drive me to appointments and events.
Some of us have diminished eyesight. When we remove our glasses, we admire our faces for the wrinkles have disappeared. With our glasses back on, we think a lot of the younger people we meet look older than we do.
We have lived through enough crises, presidents, governors, etc. that we have concluded “this too shall pass.”
We have a wealth of “when I was growing up” stories to tell our grandchildren and great grandchildren. Additionally, we’ve learned life lessons and know when to keep quiet and not say, “I told you so!”
And then we have blessings—our family, friends and neighbors who are always there when we need them to willingly lend a hand. The CVS Pharmacy manager is one of my blessings. When I go into the store, Jeff greets me by name, asks how I have been and if he can help me find anything. It is a meaningful gesture that he has learned my name.  Editor, Bob, is my blessing who in 2017 asked if I’d be willing to write more prose for CNO. It has been a wonderful outlet by which I can continue to interact with others.
And the most important blessing is to know that God is at work in our lives, loving us, and guiding our steps. Those wrinkles that mark our days of living may not be forgiving—but God is and we should always be grateful for his mercy and love.

senior scribes
County News Online

is a Fundraiser for the Senior Scribes Scholarship Committee. All net profits go into a fund for Darke County Senior Scholarships
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