senior scribes

DAR logs fifth Trash Bash year

For the fifth year in a row, Fort GreeneVille Chapter DAR participated in the annual Darke County Trash Bash in honor of Earth Day.   The group walked a total area of 16 miles. The money raised will go towards local projects in the interest of DAR ideals.

The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution established the Conservation Committee in 1909. DAR has an impressive record of conservation of our natural resources. Forests, waters, minerals, fossil fuels, soils, wetlands, and wildlife need careful management, study and support through sound legislation, school conservation programs, and personal responsibility. Our measures to protect our natural resources, archaeological and historical sites are based on our awareness of the complexity of our world, and the desire to conserve and protect it.
Pictured: front row: Helen and Lauren Wright, Michelle Alderman and Shirley Hughes Back row: Auris and Victor Alderman, Taylor Nehring, Brenda Arnett and Chris Nehring. Not Pictured: Mary Jane Dietrich and Debbie Nisonger.

senior scribes
senior scribes

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