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What You Can Do At The Greenville City Park
By Terry Venrick
Edison State Communications Student

There are many things you can do at the Greenville City Park. You can visit the peacocks, they are large beautiful birds with extremely large feathers that fan out. A fun fact about them is that the females are plain and brown while the males are very colorful. This is to shoo off other peacocks, so if you ever visit the park you can see them but are not allowed to feed them of course.

If your balance is good and enjoy rolling around on wheels, then your next stop should be the skate park. I do not know much about the sport, but if you do you can enjoy that as well. If you enjoy picnics there are plenty of shelters and picnic tables available for your use. Another popular spot at this beautiful park is the bridge. It is popular for homecoming and prom pictures; it hangs over a simple river and is just pretty in itself to look at.

If its summer everyone enjoys some fun in the sun. What better way to do that then by stopping by the Greenville city pool! Not only will you be able to cool off but you are sure to have a blast. Hungry? Not to worry. Food truck rally’s have become a staple at this park, sadly what is known as the round house, which is a snack shop, came to a close in 2017, but we still have the food trucks to look forward to!

These are just some of the basic things you can do. This does not include what you can do with your imagination. If you just seek some simple fun, the park is the place to be. I have kids and going there to the playground is wonderful. I guess you could say the simplicity of it is amazing. Greenville also works hard to keep things somewhat up to date. In 2017 they had a new band shell made. The park even has its own Facebook page that you can follow and stay up to date on everything! How cool is that? I hope this article has convinced you to want to check it out! It is a pretty cool place!


senior scribes

County News Online

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