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The ethical dilemma of Issue 1
By Bryan Day
Edison State Community College Student

Ohio issue 1 was on the 2018 ballot. Issue 1 was intended to decriminalize drug offenses. Ohio and the Dayton area is known for having one of the worst drug problems in the nation. The issue is getting worse. Drug convictions are filling our jails and costing the state more and more every year. Interstates 70 and 75 intersect just north of Dayton, Ohio. This gives drug dealers an ideal location to meet. Drug addicts are then supplied, with the issue being the worst in the Dayton area and spreading to nearby.

Drug users understand the risk they take every time they do drugs. Statistics show that sending an addict to jail doesn’t help them. An addict is more likely to engage in the behavior again than not. Issue 1 would change the punishment for drug possession when the criminal has less than 10 grams. The new punishment would be probation. The issue would prevent criminals from going to jail. The issue would also prevent criminals on probation from going to jail for non criminal offenses. It also requires the state to invest the money saved from issue 1 to be put into rehabilitation programs. Drug criminals would also be given credit toward jail time for any rehabilitation, work, or education program.

Is issue 1 ethical? To understand the full issue we need to ask ourselves why drugs are illegal. Drugs are substances that are either natural or chemical compounds that stimulate the human body. Technically tobacco and alcohol are drugs. Alcohol has a profound effect on the body that is very similar to the effects of heroin. I believe that drugs should be made legal entirely. Somebody’s choice to put into their body a substance that negatively affects them is their own choice. Drugs are a substance that effects perception but is one person’s choice for their body. I believe issue 1 is ethical because it is a humanist issue. The issue pushes to help people on drugs.

Is issue 1 moral? The issue of morals is dependent on where and how you were raised. For the number of people with children that are on drugs or have been on drugs, their morals are being blurred. For many Americans drugs are immoral. For others it is just something that is part of their life. I believe that the morality of the issue depends on the mindset of the user. If they accept the risks and do not harm others then I believe that to be a moral way to use drugs.

Is issue 1 legal? Issue 1 is an ethical election that was on the ballot in 2018. Issue 1 was not passed and the law remains as it is. Drug use, as well as possession, is still illegal. This issue will not change anytime soon as Ohio is very conservative. The issue deep down is to target another issue that in my opinion shouldn’t be illegal. Drug use affects the user. Drugs are very comparable to alcohol and should be legalized because the responsible users cause “No Harm” to others and accept risks every time they use a substance.

Issue 1 was not passed, however getting it on the ballot was the first step toward change. Issue 1 is an idea that we should help not harm these drug users. The majority of the population looks at these users as less than they are. This is not moral because they are also people just like us that are affected by a substance for which they accept the risks.  Issue 1 isn’t a legal issue as much as it is an ethical issue. We as a population should be fighting for each other and not think about one person as lower than you. Everybody has issues in their life. We should fight to understand the issues that plague the nation and think freely about the meanings and ideas behind them. We should not try to harm others because of the decision they make, as they go through life, that cause “No Harm” to others. We should be a nation that bands together to help each other and make a better society. The people who are on drugs and choose that life for themselves should not be attacked. I believe that we as a nation should think deeper about these issues and not just go along with what we hear. We need to change politics from angry arguments to civil debates. We should think from a humanist perspective.

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