senior scribes
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St. Mary’s School
The Best Teacher in the World

You may not be aware of this, but you are reading a column by the “best teacher in the world”.  I received this accolade seconds after I announced last Tuesday I would not be giving any written homework until after Thanksgiving.  Little did my class realize, I had an ulterior motive.  You know the song about going over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s house.  Well in my other life I’m Grandma, and Grandma has a wee bit of cooking and baking to accomplish before Thanksgiving.

This month began with a holy day, the Feast of All Saints.  As is our tradition, the junior high students dressed up as saints and each gave a presentation about his or her chosen saint.  After Mass, we continued to celebrate the holy day with donuts.

On November 6, the fifth through eighth graders traveled to Victoria Theater to see Amelia Earhart.  The younger grades will go to the theater later this spring to see a production of the Magic School Bus.  Speaking of the Magic School Bus, our class won the monthly drawing at Dr.Gordon’s office and received $100 to spend on items for the classroom.  We purchased the entire collection of Magic School Bus videos.  My class was ecstatic. (We’re really big fans of the Magic School Bus.)  We still have some money left to spend, but I don’t think we will find anything that will thrill us as much as our collection of Magic School Bus videos.

Parent teacher conferences were held on November 8.  I don’t know about the rest of the school, but I had one hundred percent participation from my parents.  That’s one of the reasons I really like teaching here at St. Mary’s.  We have awesome students and parents. (OK, I admit it.  I may be slightly prejudiced.) That morning the students and staff were treated to a performance by the Sidney Lehman Limelighters. In the past they were a regular show choir.  This year they are an a cappella group.  They gave an impressive performance.

Veterans’ Day fell on Sunday this year, so we observed Veterans’ Day on the 12th.  Terri Crandall and Bill Sinnes talked to the students about their experiences in the military.  Mrs. Crandall had been a nurse during the Viet Nam war and Mr. Sinnes is retired from a career in the Air Force.  Both gave very interesting presentations and we all learned a lot from their experiences.

On November 13 the students enjoyed muffins with their moms at our annual Muffins with Mom breakfast.  It was very well attended.  I know.  I was running late and had to circle the school to find a parking space.  Sadly I was too late for a muffin or my regular parking space.  But not to worry, I will have another chance.  Donuts with Dad is next month.

On November 14, the fourth graders received Sacred Heart Badges, becoming members of the Apostolates of Prayer.  They received the badges during Benediction, a special prayer service honoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

The third and seventh grades won the Greenville Fire Department’s Fire Safety poster contest for their respective grades.  They won pizza parties with the firefighters.  The pizza arrived on October 31, but unfortunately not the firefighters.  They had been called out right before lunch.  On Monday, the 19 they will join the students for ice cream, assuming no fires.  The next day, the kindergarten class will have a field trip to the Greenville Public Library.

We are also beginning preparations for the school annual Thanksgiving luncheon which will be held on Wednesday, November 21.  Already my window sills are lined with ingredients for the second graders’ fruit salad and the first graders’ dressing.  We are ready to cook!

Thanksgiving will be here before we know it and Christmas is not far behind.  In fact we are already working on the Christmas program which will be on December 10.  This year we have a special addition to the program.   Mr. Tim Nealeigh, will lead the fourth through eighth grade hand bell choir.

On behalf of the staff and students, I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

senior scribes

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