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What movie would we be?
By George Starks

There isn't a day that goes by when every news outlet is talking about some sexual abuse accusation. It's a never ending battle just to listen to it. It all stems back to the days of Dennis Rodman and Kobe Bryant. Women looking to get financial gain from an accusation. It was crazy then and it's getting worse.

When Donald Trump was elected to the presidency,  some porn star came out against him, talking about how the president and her had an affair. Big Deal. Who really cares about what President Trump did long before he was elected to run our country? The Dems have yelled to have his head on a platter not only because of the affair but for everything under the sun. Trump has kept his campaign promises. Yes, put people back to work and the economy has sky rocketed. Now, Obama wants to lay claim to the now success of this country.

Now, we have Bret Kavanaugh. A well qualified judge for the supreme court. A woman, a doctor no less, is claiming sexual abuse on something that possibly happened 36 years ago. Two kids, 17 and 15, still in high school, might have had something going on but her claim is that he supposedly groped her.

Is this something this country really needs? Is this another attack by the Democrats to make Trum look bad? What we have here is another she said/he said. How much more does this country have to take?

Dr. Ford should back away and leave a 36 year old (supposed) assault alone. It's over and she needs to get over it. Instead, she is going to try to ruin a man's career. To make matters worse, it's going to get to the point where no one will want to serve in a public office.

With this being said, I have one thing to say. "Those without sin may cast the first stone." Yes, I quoted the bible. I guess Dr. Ford must be without sin. A known porn star can't be without sin. I'm not without sin. We all sin on a daily basis in one form or another.

By the way, if I had to give our country a name from a movie: Dumb and Dumber.

Let's face it, you can't teach stupid. It comes naturally for some of these people.

senior scribes

County News Online

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