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A 2018 Thank You to Everyone
By Susan Olling

The end of one year and the beginning of a new are coming.   I can’t let that happen without saying thank you to----
-the Iowa State University Marching Band for the fifty dancing dinos.   Thank goodness for the Internet, or we would have missed it.  If you didn’t see this T-rex treat, do a search on Iowa State t-rexes and watch the videos.  You’re a Grinch if you don’t at least smile.
-Nancy, a friend at Boyds Presbyterian Church, for sharing the following story.  The five kids in the confirmation class,, and their mentors, started a coat drive to collect coats (and gloves and hats) for a local elementary school where seventy-five per cent of the children live in poverty.  They’ve made two stops so far at the school with nearly five hundred pieces of winter clothing for kids living in one of the wealthiest counties in the country who really need the help.  BPC’s a great congregation that has a long presence in up-county MoCo.
-the folks ringing at the red kettles.  We didn’t see many as the years went by up in our part of Maryland.  The local Kroger and WalMart have had these lovely folks for a few weeks now.   Leaving Kroger recently, there was a mom and two little girls at the kettle.  One of the little girls was happily ringing the bell.  How could anyone walk by without putting something in?
-the parents and teachers in the Appomattox County Schools.  This county’s not immune to the ills that we left, but you have a great bunch of kids down here.  It’s been quite a while since we’ve heard adults called “sir” or “ma’am”.  Even from younger kids. We went to a high school plant sale a few months ago.  We could have carried two pots of mums to the car, but one of the teenage boys took them for us.  Had a nice chat.  We have yet to hear the word “like” as a filler. 
-the snow plow crews in this part of Virginia and further east.  We weren’t sure when the roads in our development would be plowed after the foot of snow that fell on Sunday, 09 December. We were surprised to see that our road was plowed shoulder to shoulder by the next morning.   U.S. Route 460 eastbound all the way to Wakefield, Virginia showed the same thorough plowing job.  We didn’t see roads, including interstates, plowed this well in Maryland.  Ever.
-the almost 20,000 people who signed a petition from Mount Vernon to urge a utility company to change the proposed location of a natural gas transmission compressor station on the Maryland side of the Potomac River that would have destroyed one of the most beautiful views in the country.  Between all those signatures and a diverse group of organizations in addition to the Mount Vernon Ladies Association of the Union (Garden Clubs of America, Preservation Virginia, Preservation Maryland to name a few), the utility decided not to build the station.
-everyone who had any part in our adventure earlier this year.  There still aren’t enough words to express our appreciation and thanks for your help, expertise, patience and humor.
-The Framery.  The talented folks at this matting and framing establishment in Lynchburg did an outstanding job with several pieces of counted cross stitch embroidery art that had needed framing for some time (think years).  The results are stunning.
-the staff and volunteers at Patrick Henry’s Red Hill  for welcoming two Yankees to your numbers.  We’re having a good time down there.   A separate thanks to the volunteers at Red Hill for getting so many laughs  from Mr. History’s “three words to say: yes, no and dear”.    There seem to be very few gentlemen in the volunteer group, and the ladies (most of whom are over 70) have welcomed Mr. History and his humor.
-Mr. Editor of CNO for the break earlier this year.  I truly had no idea about what to write and probably would have been submitting poorly written pieces.
-the Montgomery County, Maryland Master Gardeners.  I was part of this large (400+), busy group for just over a year.  One of the activities I was part of was the Fairgrounds Demonstration Garden.  The fifteen Master Gardeners who volunteer there are the best.  People attend the MoCo Fair just to visit the demo garden.
-the Appomattox County Master Gardeners for welcoming a Yankee to your group.  Fun activities and great camaraderie.   The activities go beyond plants to Fun with Foods (cooking for middle schoolers), the 4-H Handbell Choir, the 4-H Afterschool Gardening Club and Young Farmers Day (this was the first year for this activity and was a huge success).
-the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)  for providing the Jamestown-Scotland Ferry.  Driving to the Historic Triangle (Williamsburg/Jamestown/Yorktown) became much more enjoyable with this to anticipate. The ferry runs 365 days per year, regardless of the weather.  They have a Bobcat to clear snow off the deck.  I asked.
-anyone reading this or previous installments.   Thank you again.
It was an interesting 2018.  Happy New Year!

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