senior scribes

Redundant Repetition
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!!! Redundant is defined as: "not or no longer needful or useful...not required, unessential, needless, unwanted, unnecessary, etc."

Repetition is defined as: "the action of repeating something that has already been said or written..reiteration, reoccurrence, replication, etc."  Both definitions are from Wikipedia.

Readers be warned: I will be redundantly repetitious with the following subject matter. Or, maybe it is repetitiously redundant. Simply put...I'll keep saying the following until it is only redundant.

August 26th of this year...just this last Sunday...a 24 year old boy walked into a Jacksonville, Florida gaming arena and opened fire. Three are dead...including the gunman. There was a " gamer's competition" in progress. Nine other people suffered gun shot wounds. The shooter....reportedly from Baltimore, Maryland...killed himself afterwards. I'll sidestep how one gun can fire nine bullets and move to:

A 14 year old boy walked into a Noblesville, Indiana Middle School this last spring. He carried two guns and started firing. Into the 13 year old girl...who reused his offer of dates...he put 7 of his bullets. His reason was she would not go out with him.

The owner of the gaming site in Jacksonville, Florida...who reportedly was watching from a site in Texas...asked, "why?"

The people in the gaming site said the shooter lost...that's why he opened fire. And they still all asked, "Why did he do it?"

The Sheriff in Jacksonville, Florida asked, "why?"

The science teacher in whose class the Noblesville, Indiana shooter opened fire asked, "why?"

The school personnel and students at Noblesville Middle School asked, "why?"

People who have heard both of the above examples I cited...and other such occurrences...have asked, "why?"

Enter my R&R (redundancy repetitiousness): I believe I know "why." Read on at your own risk.

When we stop telling the kiddies there can only be one winner...that's "why" the above happens.

When we stop telling the male kiddies that they might ask out 50 girls before one says yes...that's "why."

When we stop telling the kiddies that they have the rest of their lives for love, sex, romance, etc...that's "why."

When we stop telling the kiddies that a gun...any only for sport (man is not a sport)...that's "why."

When we stop telling the kiddies that being a "good loser" is just as important as being a "good winner"...that's "why."

When we stop telling the kiddies that these acts will be "black marks" against them in their adulthood...that's "why."

When we stop telling the kiddies that their "winner's circle" might not be an event like a gaming competition but, might be when they help an elderly person keep their dignity by walking with them to the grocery...that's "why."

When we stop telling the kiddies that they might be good but, there will always be someone a little bit better...that's "why."
When we stop telling the kiddies to not wrap their whole world around one thing (or person) but, to have a back-up plan...that's "why."
Is it just me? We have serrated kitchen knives that will cut through an aluminum can and still stay sharp. I have one. I cut through six inches of foam rubber with it...still just as sharp.

I do not see how we can take away all the guns and expect to solve a "morals issue." What could the Jacksonville, Florida shooter have done with my serrated kitchen knife?

And more importantly...where did the shooter get the gun? It was a Sunday. He was out-of-state. Who would have sold him a gun and ammunition on such short notice? Or, did he bring the gun with him..."just in case?"  See the mindset??
Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!!

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!    MONA

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