senior scribes

Yoda and Negativity
By Mona Lease

Hi, all!! I read the following on the internet. I thought, "Wow. Does "negativity" really cause all of this?" See what you think.

23 Signs You're Too Negative
We all have our bad days when we wake up in a terrible mood, scowl at strangers, and fume about how bad traffic is. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the occasional off day. But if this sort of crabby behavior repeatedly manifests itself for weeks or months on end, there's a good chance you're too negative.

Having a long-term negative outlook on life can creep up on you without your realizing it, and it's a likely indicator that you may need to make a larger-than-life change...a new job, new relationship, or at least a new hobby. The thing is, people with negative outlooks aren't exactly the type of people that would recognize such behavior in themselves. To that end, here are 23 signs you might be negative. If you're guilty of a few, it's time to lighten up.

You have only one perspective..your own: A good sign you're too negative is that every comment you hear gets mentally run through a filter in which you ask, "What's that say about me?"

Social media stresses you out: If hopping on Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat and seeing the good times (with pictures) others are having makes your blood pressure rise or you want to comment  "must be nice" below the photos - you might be a bit too negative.

You don't follow projects through: You may have a burst of energy when starting a project, but have a tendency to let it go when the going gets tough - or when it simply requires a more sustained effort  than you are capable of. Negative thinking can lead you to focus on the unpleasant aspects of a long-term project.

You think you're too old for everything: If the phrase "I'm too old" pops into your conversation frequently, you probably need to recheck your negativity.

The past dictates your future: There is a tendency of negative people to limit their options to whatever they've done in the past rather than opening their minds to the range of possibilities available to them.

Victory means little to you: One of the best indicators that you are too negative is how you deal with something positive - a job promotion...and your mind immediately goes to how the extra work might be overwhelming.

You pick fights with your partner: Every couple has disagreements. If you are initiating the disagreements, you might have a negativity problem.

"Never" and "Always" are your favorite words: Negative people have a habit of seeing the world in "all-or-nothing" terms.

You'd rather just not try: Refusal to try anything different to bring positive changes in our lives is usually rooted in fear.

To you, work is more negative than positive: No job is perfect. At the end of the day, if you are more irritated than excited, you might have a negativity problem.

Jealousy strikes often: There's a tendency among negative people to "complain" about events or situations. Be sure you are not "exaggerating" the situation. Ask yourself: "Why do you need others to give you a sense of self-worth?

You're caught in a routine: It's one thing to have a routine you like. It's another thing to be firmly stuck in a routine so that you are uncomfortable veering from your daily script.

The rage of others hits you personally: No one's anger is ever about you. Their anger is theirs'..which they feel while living their journey.

Mistakes tend to become indictments: If a small moment of forgetfulness or an oversight at work tends to balloon in your mind into a major might be a bit too negative.

Flaky friends create rifts: If you're negative, someone who does not show up to a set activity or you don't hear from someone for a long time..this will into "they hate you" or "they don't want to be around you."

Your phone is conspicuously silent: If holidays come and you get no might be too negative. They don't want to be around you.

Small talk isn't your thing: It's more likely that your negative thinking creates impediments in your social life.

You hate dancing: Positive people don't care if they do not know how to dance. Negative people think about how foolish they will look because they do not know how to dance.

You frequently feud: The most chronically negative people are constantly in disputes in their communities or on social media.

You hate negotiating: A good negotiation requires a balance of faith, confidence, and comfort when facing an unpredictable outcome. Negative thinkers see black or white and are more comfortable hearing what something is worth or what they are worth. They can accept it or not.

You procrastinate: This is often rooted in deep self-doubt...which is a super-negative.

Junk food is your go-to: Everyone eats junk food once in a while. Regularly eating junk food is attributed to a poor sense of self-worth. This is a form of self-harm.

You chalk your success up to luck (or "connections"): Positive people look at someone else's success and think that if it worked for that person - it can work for the positive person, too. The negative person says that it was "good luck"..or "connections." - Best Life, Alex Daniel

"Do. Or do not."  -  "Truly wonderful the mind of a child is." - "Judge me by my size, do you?"  - Yoda, Star Wars

Remember the kiddies and our service people. Take good care of the furry and feathered ones out there. Be safe and healthy. See ya next time. Ever Toodles!!!   MONA

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