senior scribes

Along Life’s Way
Put the “Civil” Back in Discourse
By Lois E. Wilson
The late, brilliant political analyst, Charles Krauthammer lives on through his writings and humor. He once observed: “To understand the workings of American politics, you have to understand this fundamental law: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.”
He also wrote: “In explaining any puzzling Washington phenomenon, always choose stupidity over conspiracy, incompetence over cunning. Anything else gives them too much credit.”
The argument is made that since conservatives are evil, it gives others the license to label them with evil words such as racists, Fascists, and Nazis. You can show a mock beheading of their leader. You are urged to confront them whether they are alone or with family and friends, wherever they may be—in public or at their private homes. And the children of conservatives are “acceptable” targets to them too.
I will not judge the liberals’ actions; their final judgment is up to a higher authority. However, I do have a few questions for them:
Why are the beliefs of conservatives so upsetting to you?
Are you willing to discard disruption and have sincere discourse with groups holding differing viewpoints from yours? It could lead to a better solution for all.
Do you at times persist and promote a false premise to increase the divide for political purposes?
In your rightful outrage that presidents, past and present, in dealing with illegal immigration have followed the law in separating children from parents—have you ever applied this same outrage to convenience abortions? They separate the child from parents and life.
My last question: If you are serving in government do you ask yourself before each decision, “Am I making this choice because of my party or for the good of the country?”
We, often the silent majority, are your employers. We thank you for your service. All we ask is that you serve us honestly and well. If you do, that will be for the good of our country. Civility can help move it in the right direction. Let’s enjoy and treasure our legacy—Independence Day.

senior scribes
County News Online

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